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foggy day
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Image Title:  foggy day
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 By: jessie voigts  
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer  jessie voigts {Karma:6772}
Project #55 Peace & Tranquility Camera Model Nikon D80
Categories Nature
Film Format
Portfolio on the lake
Lens nikkor 18-200VR
Uploaded 9/13/2006 Film / Memory Type digital
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 404 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 20 Rating
/ 4 Ratings
Location City -  stanton
State -  MI
Country - United States   United States
About another foggy day and here i am, wanting to try out my new camera!! haha. ah well. here's a shot out to the left, standing on the lakeshore.
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There are 20 Comments in 1 Pages
Riny Koopman Riny Koopman   {K:102911} 2/12/2007
A lovely scene dear Jessie,We had also white winter decoration in Holland,although not for long.But,anyway Im glad that I can enjoy that atmosphere even for short period.Thanks you for kind comment, Hugs,riny


Lisa Watson   {K:120} 11/1/2006
Jess, that gives the lake a whole new feel. It is different, but I like it.


Alessandro Capelli Alessandro Capelli   {K:34805} 10/26/2006
Great foggy have the new Nikon D80! I think that's a great camera!
Ciao, Ale


stingRay pt.4 . stingRay pt.4 .   {K:250401} 9/22/2006
I like the composure to this study my dear Jessie and it is not the easiest of subjects to record, so well done to you. Although it is foggy there it still evokes great peace and tranquility sweetie. Great work. My very best wishes to you as always.....Ray;)


Ivonne * Ivonne *   {K:8711} 9/18/2006
oh, yes....
Jessie, this is sooooo beautiful place, shot, atmosphere....
Bravo ! :)


vanessa shakesheff vanessa shakesheff   {K:68840} 9/18/2006
Love this shot the atmospferic feel of the fog ..nessa 7/7


Mary Slade   {K:40338} 9/16/2006
Now this really is unique and so atmospheric. Poetic and so beautiful.


Avi  Avi     {K:70138} 9/16/2006
Wonderful iamge, dear Jessie !!.. Maybe a little crop from the bottom wud make this EVEN better !!

all the very best,


Nilanjan Mitra Nilanjan Mitra   {K:12955} 9/15/2006
Excellent capture too good :)... mysterious :)


Phillip  Minnis    Phillip  Minnis    {K:13131} 9/13/2006
Oh, Jessie, I love these types of images! A lovely scene!




jessie voigts   {K:6772} 9/13/2006
thank you, doyle! here's the problem, there is a golf cart right where i cropped it. i was so mad that someone parked it there. the tree is so beautifully shaped. hmm...

thank you, thank you! i am still learning this slr stuff. i am used to a point and shoot. it is hard to get it all focused right. thank you for your advice and kind words!


jessie voigts   {K:6772} 9/13/2006
thank you, dave! i am tired of fog. although it is beautiful!


jessie voigts   {K:6772} 9/13/2006
thanks, michele! i need to look at waterproof cases. our insurance covers it, if it falls in, but wouldn't that just break your heart? it would mine!! i can't walk much and so the kayak is a wonderful way for me to get around. i love it so....

you're right. i will come up with something!!


jessie voigts   {K:6772} 9/13/2006
thanks, shelby! i took my old camera with me, in the kayak, but this one is so much bigger, heavier, more $. YIKES!!


Doyle D. Chastain Doyle D. Chastain   {K:101119} 9/13/2006
This is beautiful Jessie! VERY well composed and very good entry for the project. I feel compelled to point out, though, that (IMO) if you had not cropped so close on the left side the shot would have been darn near perfect!
Your horizon line is perfect and not dead center, but at about 1/3 distance from the bottom . . . faded trees in the distance add some layers and the weeping willow tree is perfectly placed. This is certainly one of your best shots! :)

Doyle I <~~~~~


Dave Stacey Dave Stacey   {K:150877} 9/13/2006
A very atmospheric, moody shot, and well composed, Jessie!


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 9/13/2006
Wow! I feel special ...never had a picture shot for me before !!! thankyou !!

hmmm...yep, the kyack .... this is a new problem I can
understand . I'm sure you 've a good water-proof case for the camera ? if not you might want one even if you never take it out in the kyack... maybe just use your other camera for the kyack and your new one for new winter time stuff...hiking around in the snow, etc. ?
Hoping the sun comes out for you jessie!
have fun and try some night shots at the moon and stars ( if the weather gets better :) ! you'll come up with something i have no doubt about it !


SRS SRS SRS SRS   {K:6731} 9/13/2006
Yes, having water access & a camera would add a whole new element to the things, angles, etc one could get, but there would always be that what if it ends up in the water!! But this picture is very nice!!


jessie voigts   {K:6772} 9/13/2006
thanks, michele! this one is for you!! cripes we need some sun! our lake is sort of big - this is on a telephoto, so not so close...

thanks for keeping checking! i am LONGING for some sun. we are headed to ed's mom's house tomorrow, and i won't be online for a few days. drat! maybe the sun will come out by then. haha.

the other thing is, i often am in my kayak when taking pix. i just CAN'T bring myself to take this huge new camera ($$) out in the kayak. what to do?? ;)


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 9/13/2006
I like this jessie ... It's different but very a whole different view of the lake with this camera . I love the big tree hanging into the water and I am surprised how large this lake seems to be ! the tone is nice for a foggy day . I think you are getting very used to your camera quickly... i hope you get some sun soon to play in too. i was checking all day for you to post a picture yesterday !
Good job jessie..




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