emiliano chionaky
{K:3135} 11/6/2006
thank you for your comment angela!
Angela DeLong
{K:3050} 11/4/2006
Good composition. I like how the front of the frame is dark, but there's light and color towards the back. Kind of "light at the end of the tunnel." Makes you want to go there.
emiliano chionaky
{K:3135} 11/3/2006
hi hrayr thanks for your comment, it's very helpful for me because you centered problem. It's very hard to make a shot with detail both in shadow and in light, and it's difficult to choose wich part sacrificate. thank you for the link, I know hdr but it's quite difficult with an analog camera. thanks also for the link, I'll take a look! best regards, emiliano
Hrayr Galoyan
{K:642} 11/3/2006
Hi Emiliano,
I think this is one of those cases when something looks great in nature, but doesn't come up as impressive in a photograph. I have had the same problem and did not find a solution yet. The thing is, there are too many details and contrast is too high. So details are lost both in the shadows and in highlights and colors look a bit artificial. Recently, I am trying to focus on details, rather than taking bigger picture. Not sure what will come out of it. Another thing I want to try is High Dinamic Range photography to fight the high contrast. Have a look at http://www.hdrsoft.com/resources/dri.html if interested.
emiliano chionaky
{K:3135} 11/3/2006
thank you for your comment Yasuyuki!
Yasuyuki Tanaka
{K:-2122} 11/3/2006
I like a thing dark [ in this front ] and bright in the back. nice lighting.