{K:70138} 1/16/2007
This is interesting.... :))
cheers! Avi
Ian Miller
{K:9190} 7/21/2006
Not sure what it is, but I like it lol!
Many thanks for your comments Phil. I am even MORE stoked, as it's my very first BIP, or award of any kind, so it's made my DAY!
Cheers mate!
Ann Nida
{K:45248} 1/25/2006
Hi Phil, I found my way to your portfolio from the front page. I was going to comment on the images there buyt found this intriguing piece of work.
Matrix updated?!! WOW!! If this was shot almost 3 years ago I wonder what it looks like today with many more members and more upgrades. Amazing. Phil you must be an eccentric genius to have found this and taken a screen shot of it. The genius part comes in posting it here. Too cool!
Cheers - Ann :)
Kambiz K
{K:37420} 12/1/2005
What a beautiful artistic creation.
Steven Hackett
{K:1692} 10/21/2005
hey, I can me ME!!
Massimiliano Vono
{K:990} 8/23/2005
Very good idea! Have you used the teory map?
- -
{K:2997} 8/17/2005
so we are just numbers and lines at the end of the day! this shot questions meaning of life! nice idea :)
Mark Sherman
{K:15669} 8/7/2005
feels like I am looking at the orbits of planets on a massive scale.
rabka man
{K:1093} 7/10/2005
Looks like a mandelbrot to me... 1.618 is the answer ...
Ehdae (Abullha AL Hazza)
{K:4725} 6/19/2005
Michael Kanemoto
{K:22115} 6/16/2005
I'd love to see this view updated. Massive.
Gordon Harris
{K:274} 12/25/2004
Given the photographers it represents, this is a once-only capture of a Galaxy of "Stars". It would combine well with another space photograph. Very interesting, unrepeatable and the sign of a lateral thinker.
Gordon Harris
{K:274} 12/25/2004
Given the photographers it represents, this is a once-only capture of a Galaxy of "Stars". It would combine well with another space photograph. Very interesting.
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 7/19/2004
LOL a great chaos roby
ken krishnan
{K:19102} 10/1/2003
Interesting and amuesing as well. What is this actual drawing is about?
{K:1117} 8/29/2003
This Program is network Monitor. Screen Capture.!
Matej Maceas
{K:24381} 4/25/2003
Hey, I want this as my desktop wallpaper! Could you post it at 1280x960? :-)))
Mary Sue Hayward
{K:17558} 4/25/2003
Too cool.
lidian neeleman
{K:6700} 4/25/2003
Very creative idea , Lidian
Larry Edwards
{K:843} 4/24/2003
I'd like to see this in sepia.
Eric Goldwasser
{K:4294} 4/24/2003
Tweet!!! Phil, you are benched! Excessive use of geek! Take five buddy!
Phillip Cohen
{K:10561} 4/24/2003
Sue, let it not be said that you don't give good tcp/ip! :=]
You can tickle my port 80 any time. Oy, I am such a nerd.
Colin Fitzpatrick
{K:1428} 4/24/2003
Excellent image,, I voted high excellent for all expect "Emotional Appeal", that I only gave a low excellent,, if your "image" were to smile I would up my vote,,, LOL,,,
Onur Aydin
{K:9815} 4/24/2003
Good luck :)
{K:198} 4/23/2003
like a algebra...
Stephen R. Zang
{K:1044} 4/23/2003
Pretty cool image. I have to say that the blue is a bit oversaturated, composition is a bit crowded, and it looks a little bit tightly cropped on the right and top, with IP addresses running out of the frame. Have you tried this in Tmax? {:-P
al shaikh
{K:15790} 4/23/2003
It's only a 1 second snapshot, phil can you post the 10 second snapshot as a comparison.
Aiman Nassar
{K:11961} 4/23/2003
I can't find my IP here!... :)
Very creative idea Philip.... Juse keep doing all the great work you are doing now, and you might need to increase the posting size to 1260pxls to be able to show the next snapshot.
GP Merfeld
{K:14396} 4/23/2003
Incredible! Strangely beautiful and informative as well... You could also pass this off as a wild Astrological chart... Mmmm, another occupation to stretch your talent even further. Just what you need ;-)...
Eric Goldwasser
{K:4294} 4/23/2003
There's a couple of big white spots that look a little overexposed... ;-)
Hooray for Usefilm indeed!
Filipe Palha
{K:5432} 4/23/2003
UAU!!!!!! Hurray for usefilm!! : D
al shaikh
{K:15790} 4/23/2003
You do not!
Andy Ly
{K:716} 4/23/2003
Nice Composition! I really like how the horizontal lines gives a sense of horizonalism.
Phillip Cohen
{K:10561} 4/23/2003
Well since I suck as a photographer, had to do something to get some points! ;=]
al shaikh
{K:15790} 4/23/2003
Interesting way to boost Charisma :)