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Kiln Furniture
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Image Title:  Kiln Furniture
Favorites: 3 
 By: Phillip Cohen  
  Copyright ©2003

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Photographer Phillip Cohen  Phillip Cohen {Karma:10561}
Project #6 Minimal Depth of Field Camera Model Nikon Photomic FTn
Categories Abstracts
Film Format
Portfolio Lens Nikkor 50mm F1.4
Uploaded 4/25/2003 Film / Memory Type Kodak Plus X Pan
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 2748 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/0
Critiques 18 Rating
/ 7 Ratings
Location City - 
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About Cleaning out the closets I found some photos that I took when I was a kid. Since I am too lazy to take anything new, why not post some really old stuff. The items are posts and things used in a ceramic kiln.
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There are 18 Comments in 1 Pages
Avi  Avi     {K:70138} 6/7/2009
Phil if you are checking your emails, I need to talk to you. I was having a discussiion with Al on UF some days back and he left off.. I have been trying to reach him ever since. I know about his family situation, so I don't want to push him too much, but if you are here, please write to me .. it's important.

My personal email id is given in my profile. I would appreciate if you could write from yours.. then I would include Al in the email and write to both of you together.



david henderson david henderson   {K:16659} 4/8/2009
Hi Phillip, have hung in for a few days and still the uf front page is populated by a majority of old work by non donors and no explanation from uf as to why this is so?......I think that 'ideas for new features' is lame and really not good enough to acknowledge and respect many people who donate to uf. Can we please know why the front page of the site continues to be largely devoted to old work by photographers who don't donate? kind regards, david.
ps did get a response to my forum thread from a donor who feels much as I do I think.


david henderson david henderson   {K:16659} 4/3/2009
My god, Phillip, you have been very patient with this blustering old fart from the bush, down under, my tirade will cease forthwith! I do enjoy uf so much and look forward to the improvements of which you speak, hang in there I will. best regards, david.


Phillip Cohen Phillip Cohen   {K:10561} 4/3/2009
Well, I am that person, the pages are a bit stale because the people that have been given the task to pick the various awards have not been picking them. If there is no new award an award from the past is substituted. That is why an old picture of mine from 2003 is showing up on the front page, it was a purely random selection. If you would like to volunteer to be one of the people to select the awarded photos, please let me know, I am sure that can be arranged.

Al and I have some ideas for new features to be added to the site and as soon as he returns from taking care of family business, I am sure we will get to work on it. We will also be updating the look of the site to make it more fashionable.

Hang in there, keep posting, good things will come.


david henderson david henderson   {K:16659} 4/3/2009
Hi Phillip, I saw a forum post from you somewhere, inviting a member who was experiencing some problems, to send an email to you @usefilm, if indeed you are 'of' the usefilm team then perhaps you can explain why a tired and boring homepage is continuously riddled with old work by non donors and indeed why your six year old picture is on the homepage? It is time for uf to stop ignoring donors comments and sharpen up their act. kind regards, david.


david henderson david henderson   {K:16659} 4/3/2009
.....apologies for the cryptic comment, just attempting to get uf to get there act together. cheers, david.


david henderson david henderson   {K:16659} 4/3/2009
2003 - donor


Hesham Abouzekry   {K:15927} 9/29/2007
direct to my favorite.


Leo Régnier  Я£ Leo Régnier  Я£   {K:67696} 5/14/2007
Absolutely GREAT Phill !!!


神 風 神 風   {K:10665} 6/4/2006
'Old Stuff Rules' ... and so does 'Photographer of the Day' ... !


al shaikh   {K:15790} 12/17/2005
test commenf or phil to see if comments workfdsdfsdfsdfsdfsdf


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 12/16/2005
wooow is marvelous in the texture and DOF!
congrats also for the front page, wel deserve dit!


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 12/16/2005
wooow is marvelous in the texture and DOF!
congrats also for the front page, wel deserve dit!


Bee Arthur   {K:2259} 9/14/2003
Great shot. I think the minimal DOF is a great addition to it, and yeah, there is nothing wrong with breaking out the old work. I think it may help you see how far you've come, or what has changed in your perseption of photography. I think the the subject is great too, because it has such a repetitous nature, but they are not placed in a pattern. It has a nice humanistic feeling then, while continueing to have abstract traits. Nice job, thanks for sharing it.


Mary Sue Hayward   {K:17558} 4/26/2003
Grain works perfectly! Glad you posted this one from the past.


Marília Ferraz   {K:-4756} 4/25/2003
Not sure you are too lazy. This is a very good shot the kind that demands a pretty amount of time to do it right.
So try another speech.
Very good work, my friend.


Eric Goldwasser   {K:4294} 4/25/2003
Phil, this is way cool. I like the grain, tones, point of focus. Really good stuff!


Luis Costa - Lucaz   {K:9205} 4/25/2003
Very nice work, regards!




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