atalay karacaorenli
{K:1557} 12/18/2008
Great shot and wonderful perspective
{K:8657} 8/8/2008
I do like this roger .I would imagine even better in the flesh (if you exuse the pun)
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 10/3/2007
Thank you, Jose. I am not very active now... but I enjoyed visiting your beautiful photos of Norway. How many countries have you visited? You are a great traveler!
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 10/2/2007
great. 7+++++++++
Mary Brown
{K:71879} 5/27/2007
Te wrestler on the right reminds me of a TV advertiement we have here now about a credit card. It is sort of cute. I have never seen a Sumo wrestling match. This gives a good sense of the atmosphere. MAry
jessie voigts
{K:6772} 5/6/2007
roger! that is so wrong. i take it you now carry a spare? great shots, BOTH of them!
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 5/1/2007
Thanks, Jessie. I seem to be lucky with Sumo pictures. The only award I ever won for a photograph taken in Japan was taken at a Sumo tournament. The placement of the people, and the different occupations/actions, were what attracted me to this shot. I like the broom guy but also the young wrestler bowing as he approached the ring. Wish my battery had lasted longer. I was on a roll...
jessie voigts
{K:6772} 4/27/2007
roger - what a brilliant shot! wow!! i was front row ringside one time. it was such an experience. you really captured this so very well. my favorite part? the broom guy!
Tim Schumm
{K:29196} 4/26/2007
WEll just the same good to hear you are alive and kicking out there...guess i miss read the Africa thing. I was rooting for you! Still am! Oh I finally got a newer version of PT gui....absolutely fabulous, can't get much easier. Thanks for the advice and inspiration. I have been posting a few panos as a result.
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 4/26/2007
Thanks, Tim. Unfortunately I have no plans or possibility of visiting South Africa. I expect to see that beautiful country through her photos, only, alas (good though they are, a personal experience would be far better, of course!).
Tim Schumm
{K:29196} 4/26/2007
Hi Roger, I have been away traveling and not had the chance to see what you were up too. I must say that despite the noise factor this is a steller image. I am sorry to hear you don't have the time these days to post or shoot many images these days. But are planning to go to South Africa!...yeah! That would be my next choice if i had the dough. But Alas VISA requires that i stay home for a short while and repay them for all my fun time of the past. Well i am looking forward to seeing what you find in Africa...say hi to Joggie for me!
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 4/19/2007
Hi, Craig. Thanks... yes, the placement of the figures gives a nicely balanced and reasonably well-lit image. I used to be a big fan of Sumo but find it less interesting recently. It's a very "static" image for such a fast-moving sport, although the figures keep the eyes darting around, or at least they do mine...
Craig Hanson
{K:7836} 4/19/2007
Noise or no noise, it's a great image! And my mom would especially love it, since she is a big sumo fan!
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 3/26/2007
Thanks, Diane. As you may have noticed from the date of my "latest" I'm not posting much these days. Combination of personal and business problems, alas. Hope to get back up to speed when the better weather begins. Look forward to seeing more of the most beautiful country on God's earth. Republic of South Africa!
Diane Logie
{K:809} 3/24/2007
Hey Roger, sorry I have not been around for a year (changed jobs finally). I am not going to comment on Nikon or Canon (I jst spent all my rands on Pentax).
From the critical eye of a camera club person...
Nice composition. No one is badly cut off. ok, the fuzz is there but you are showing on the net so who cares? Well seen and taken. If I were a judge at camera club, you would get a ... Certificate of Merit! Shot dude.
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 2/20/2007
Nice to hear from you again, John. I'm not commenting or uploading much myself these days, and so get few comments, as is only fair. Being Japan, those hanging things probably have some deep meaning but I don't know it, alas. I always think of them as vestigial skirts! (well, perhaps "kilts" would be the better word). They easily pull out from under the thick belt, and are handed back to the wrestler by the ring attendants after the bout if, as so often happens, they DO come adrift.
John Bohner
{K:8368} 2/19/2007
Hi Roger - sorry to have been away but life is what it is. I looked at this image for a long time. Early on I noticed the the wrestler in the isle has something hanging from his belt. Much later I noticed the same sort of thing on both guys in the ring. Care to enlighten a curious American? What and why are they? JB Ps hope you and yours have been doing well.
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 2/13/2007
Thanks for dropping by, David, and for the encouraging comment. It's hard to see how a specific lens could be responsible for noise, but I'll watch for this effect (I have the 10.5mm fisheye--a beautiful lens, and a Tamron 11-18mm zoom that stays on the camera most of the time). I have been enjoying your photos, but have had little time for comments, alas.
David Lockwood
{K:977} 2/11/2007
I like the shot, but am also commenting on the d200. I would just like to add my 2yen worth...i think part of the problem with the noise in this image might be the 18-70 lens...Ive had the same problems with it, but when I put on my 50mm 1.8 i can use ISO 800 relativley noise free. I really enjoyed looking through your portfolio. -dave
{K:13082} 2/11/2007
Thanks for coming back to me so soon, Roger....and I was worried that your response was going to emphasise the issues with noise and the D200....thanks for that info. Curious why you wouldn't buy Canon?
PS Hadn't thought about Fuji?
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 2/11/2007
I have been quite disappointed by the noise on the D200. I really don't like the results even at 800 ISO, although they are just about usable. I could (and did) use 800 ISO film quite a lot before I got the D200, and hardly even noticed grain/noise. However, nothing will make me buy a Canon. I am thinking of trading in the D200 for the new Fuji S5 Pro, which uses the same body but a quite different sensor--even more pixels and MUCH winder dynamic range and very low noise. It is more expensive that the D200, which has been out long enough for prices to drop quite a bit. But the Fuji is the camera I SHOULD have bought, especially for panoramas, where dynamic range is so important.
{K:13082} 2/9/2007
Hi Roger
Pleased you mentioned the noise on the D200...I'm a little fed up with Nikon and its noise...tempted to go for the Canon 5D. Good reports on low light usage...do you have any thoughts?