Annemette Rosenborg Eriksen
{K:55244} 2/16/2007
I donīt doubt that a couple very much in love will make the right decision if the girl gets pregnant. Itīs all the greyzones that makes it necessary to have some definitions of what is right or wrong to do or rather legal because unfortunately law doesnīt have so much to do with ethics. Take care Annemette
jorge carvalho
{K:6262} 2/16/2007
In my opinion, women have all the rights in what concerns to pregnancy. Only she can make a general opinion about this act. The exception is when its responsability of the couple to decide what to do. Maybe the democracy is not the best way to decide in this cases.....mmm....maybe the vote should be vinculative by each couple, so each one should be responsable for the own acts :) Crazy ideias hehehe
Annemette Rosenborg Eriksen
{K:55244} 2/15/2007
Itīs big of you having the ability to see the matter from more than one side and also having this understanding for womenīs rights. But okay thatīs because you are a REAL man! Only weak men feel threathened by women wanting to be equal. I love the difference between men and women in many ways and wouldnīt want us to be exactly the same, but we all need the same rights. That should be very fundamental and not something that should be fought for. Good that I can think this way having women before me that fought for my rights. Take care my friend Annemette
jorge carvalho
{K:6262} 2/15/2007
Hello Ann :) Its not an opinion of other country member...its my particulary one...and its theorical only, since i never had to pass by this decision in real. Your society is so equilibrated and developed, now i can talk as a southern latino country indeed :), women there still fight hard for their rights , and yet women there is already so advanced, compared whit the women here. This we can notice, even in behaviour...the girl who hosted us in Copenhagem, said that she could give her life, to see one day women whit better rights. I thought that she lived in Portugal, she would make suicide imediatly ! Kisses to you Annemette :)
Annemette Rosenborg Eriksen
{K:55244} 2/14/2007
Dear Jorge I see what you mean. In Denmark we pay high taxes so any woman no matter rich or poor can get an abortion. I must say that a child is a huge lifetime responsibility and itīs unfortunately mainly the responsibility of the mother although many men fortunately donīt think like that more. Still too many men walk out on a woman if she gets pregnant or after having their child. Therefore I believe that an abortion, but of course only an early one, should always be legal and possible for any woman. Freedom and rights will always be misused by a certain kind of people, but the irresponsible ones shouldnīt be the ones to lead us in the wrong direction. Also an abortion is for most women a very hard decision to make. Women have had to fight so hard for their rights...no Iīd better stop before I take this too far*LOL* Itīs good hearing other points of views from other countries because we donīt think the same although living in Europe:-) Sleep tight in your warm country! Annemette
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 2/13/2007
Looks very powerful against the b/drop ..great dof..nessa
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 2/13/2007
wonderful composition. stuning tones. superb. parabens. beautiful portafolio.
jorge carvalho
{K:6262} 2/13/2007
This is a topic that have always the reverse of the side . You talk about the unborn children that dont deserve miserable lives and mothers that dont have this choice, but Annemette, women that dont really have choice (and cant afford to pay an legal or illegal interruption) these women will have their kids anyway. Only the 'affortunates' can make this act. Portugal have already predicted legal interruption for extreme cases, bad formation of the feto, rape, etc. What we will have now is that all the person who can pay, they will kill their babies. Anyway, i know that this act, being made legally or illegally, in good hospitals, or in some dark cave , leaves marks for the woman...and man. But i am not hipocrat too, who knows what i will say when this case touches me directly? About China, well, they are all a bunch of animals, so they dont serve like example to anyone ! :) Take care Ann, today its good temperature here, of +18 ;) Kisses
Annemette Rosenborg Eriksen
{K:55244} 2/13/2007
Dear Jorge Iīm afraid that also some Scandinavian people use abortion in this way, but still I support this freedom mainly because I care for the unborn children that donīt deserve miserable lives. Too many children are mistreated all over the world. Secondly women that donīt have this choise often get seriously ill when being in contact with quaks(is that the right English word...? Hmm I hope you understand me:-))causing a lot of damage to them. What I DON`T approve of at all is that in China and probably also other places there are no abortionlimits so a fullborn baby at 8 months can get aborted. Iīve neigbours whose grown-up children have lived in China and their son is marrying a Chinese and my cousin lived there for four years. They have told some prette appalling stories that I donīt even want to share because itīs heartbreaking and disgusting. Ogh no forgive me - now Iīm getting carried away! I just like the combination of freedom and responsibility. Take care dear Jorge and have a nice day at work Annemette
jorge carvalho
{K:6262} 2/13/2007
The problem here its that portuguese people, doesnt have the sense of responsability and respect and self respect, of scandinavians, among other things. Here this law will be used as contraception method, lazy as we are, people will think that, ok, no problem, we can get pregnant, we make aborption after.This is equivalent for mens and womens way of thinking :)
Annemette Rosenborg Eriksen
{K:55244} 2/12/2007
Is that on top of a small church or a private home? BTW congratulations on the majority choosing free abortion for women. That will mean that they donīt have to consult unauthorized people and end up very ill, avoid that poor children have to live with a parent that doesnīt want them or preventing some severely handicapped children to be born to a life in misery. Very good. Take care my friend:-) Warm wishes Annemette