gábor gáspár
{K:390} 4/11/2007
this is THE picture:)good
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 3/26/2007
A very subtle study already in its original form! Now I have to study the light more carefully, but I already think that your B&W version is a bit more pwerful, though the original was already very powerful too!
It looks like a moment that...has never been ????
OK, OK, I just shut up for now and study your amazing work! ;-)
P.S.: and thanks a lot for the invaluable technical details! I can learn so much from them.
Goran Lepen
{K:1307} 3/26/2007
The light wasn't powerful enough, so I had to burn it, and by converting this image to BW I did get what I wanted, a almost duo-tone shot, with a interesting story. This image was shot at 1/4sec and f6,7 using AntiShake and ISO800.

Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 3/26/2007
I could never imagine that such an overexposure and grain could create such a fantastic world! But now I see it - and in some way I still can't believe it! ;-)
Alone the perspective of the cobble stones and the "cooperation" of their perspectivistic pattern with the flat pattern on the wall is a real eyecather!
And somewhere between then two some silhouttes attract my attention. Somewhere between the evolution of perspectives and the standstill of a flat view.
Amazing work, Goran!
siamak jafari
{K:20075} 2/28/2007
beautiful,very well done,regards
chris d
{K:3046} 2/28/2007
Fantastic shadows. well done
Gulcin Gurel
{K:323} 2/28/2007
win the best poster to be on a cozy bar... great pic...
Adjdkdk Adksjfjhf
{K:170} 2/28/2007
very nice work ..... Bravo