Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 3/27/2007
You just described the reasons why I like so much old good analog film and especially B&W, Goran! ;-)
I'll have to buy a digital camera soon since I work for a photographic group now, and they do all things digitally, but still I hope that I'll be also able to introduce the analog-virus there ;-).
Thank you very much for the link to your other portfolio! Very very interesting!
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 3/26/2007
exquisite tones. very creative.outstanding portafolio. 7+++++
Goran Lepen
{K:1307} 3/26/2007
It looks different, but I like it in 6x6 because it was shot with a old and cheap camera with very low quality lens, but on, for me, one of the best BW negatives, efke R25. Providing 115 lines per mm, and great contrast, and in this format also allowing getting of the standard and usual "golden-ratio" composition. And, one more benefit of BW negatives is that you don't have to worry about burned sky, and white balance. After buying my digital camera more than a year ago, I am turning back to film, using BW negatives and older cameras, they offer me more and more pleasure than my digital camera. Have a look at my other portfolio at a Croatian site: http://www.fotozine.org/index.php?omen=Lepi
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 3/26/2007
Yes, I see! But Goran, couldn't you just crop the whiter part on the top off image? Like on the attachment?
When I see the cropped image... it looks quite different than your shot. I have the impression that cutting off the sky makes it denser.
 Cropped image |
Goran Lepen
{K:1307} 3/26/2007
Unfortunately I do not have a scanner, so this negative I photographed attached to my monitor with a white background. Later I got the negative scanned, so here you can see it in a better condition!

Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 3/26/2007
With a very documental attitude, with all imperfections of a snaposhot, and with that strange atmosphere that implies something very special! I would only cropp some of the textureless sky to give it more weight.
Best wishes and keep it up!
Dirk Noort
{K:9683} 3/14/2007
Thank you very much for the info, I will have a look at that webside. Thanks, Dirk.
Goran Lepen
{K:1307} 3/13/2007
try on www.frugalphotographer.com I'm not sure if they got it any more, but in the past they have sold efke negatives.
Dirk Noort
{K:9683} 3/13/2007
Thanks for the info Goran!, I have used Efke 100 in the past, it is great, however I can't get the efke 25 in Canada, I also checked on e-bay and was not able to get it, the camera from Czechoslovakia sounds great and makes good pictures too! Dirk.
Goran Lepen
{K:1307} 3/12/2007
It's a 2-eye 6x6 medium format camera from Czechoslovakia, I think the mid 1950s (it's like a Rolleiflex or Yashica 124). The efke is a Croatian BW negative, also popular in Japan and other countries, we do export it. The KB25/R25 has the best resolution, and great contrast, I love it!
Dirk Noort
{K:9683} 3/12/2007
Great results with Flexaret Camera, I do not know this type of camera, great use of film aswell! Dirk.
Dubravko Grakalic
{K:25235} 3/9/2007
neobicna, zgodna razglednica...