if this is successful, I'll post the particulars later..
yay! 4th time was the charm! Anyone else having fun uploading?
Something different for me...about all I've had the time to play with lately.
My sister is making silver-clay-fired (?) jewelry and wanted some photos. lol, she found a cheap photographer.
This was taken inside a light box. Lit with two very, very, old 500wt studio lights. 1000watts heats things up in a hurry...thought for awhile the nylon light box was in danger of melting...could have grabbed a shot for the new project...but no such luck. :)
The ring was placed on clear glass over black velour...and the black cloth also placed opposite the camera on the back of the light box. I've read where black acrylic works well...but I didn't have any. Left room around the object so that it can be cropped or text added in if necessary.