On the last steps before home on that night. The lights were causing that sort of dizzyness that makes one search some dark place. But I had to try another one in very lazy focus and at least capture a partial impression of those lights.
Any comment would be very welcome.
P.S.: And especially welcome would be any hint towards the explanation for why the one light is blueish and the others redish on the image. (Their lamps were the same, I guess.)
Thanks a lot for all that additional info, Andre! Hmmm, strange, isn't it? But then again, the river could be indeed a good hint for moisture!
I'll have to try some similar situations and see if there is some systematic dependence. But I really think there has to be one. The tiny water droplets could also act like tiny prisms and shift hue due to refraction.
Hi Nick, Moisture in the air was only a guess on my part. I really don't know what causes this. I had something similar happen to me last week. I was taking pictures of the moon with some great clouds. I was using a two second time exposure with a tripod. The river water was in the foreground and the reflection of the moon was in the water. Some of the images came out with the moon's reflection almost the same colour as the moon in the sky. But some of the images came out with the moon's reflection in a kind of magenta colour. Unfortunately I deleted those images a few days ago, or I would have attached an example. It seems like a similar situation, but I don't have any explanation for it. Andre
Thanks a lot for the nice comment and the proposal for an explanation, Andre!
Moisture, you say... that could have been the case, since even fog was very unevenly distributed in Hergiswil. But be it moisture or not in this case, that means that moisture in general alters the hue of some light source? Very interesting! If so, then it could be used for controlling the look of the tinged lights.
I can feel the heaviness of the end of the day in this one Nick. I have no idea why the lights would come out this way. How about moisture in the air (moving fog) near the blue tinged one, and not near the others? Andre