Nicole Besch
{K:72664} 10/29/2007
How cute Hugo!Very crisp and clear.A wonderful face exression.Congratulations on your well deserved POD! Regards,Nicole 7++++++++++++
Mihaela Pop
{K:527} 10/18/2007
so cute, like a baby :) excellent image!
{K:70138} 10/17/2007
And now, the mods ensured that the 'LION' will come up on Page 1 !!! :)
Congrats, Hugo !!
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174136} 10/17/2007
Too adorable, Hugo!:)
{K:70138} 10/17/2007
Roby liked it SO MUCH that he called it a LION !!!! .. so you see, how good your shot is..
Cheers !
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 10/16/2007
..and favs.. roby
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 10/16/2007
MARVEçOUS and tender.. geat lion.. roby 7+
Jerry Thompkins
{K:3574} 10/16/2007
excellent expression...very well done.
Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 10/16/2007
Wow. Just TOO cute!!!!!
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~
kksksksk .
{K:701} 10/16/2007
This is so cute little kitten!!! ;) ;) Love it ,love it:) Take care Hugo, -ave-
glory 1
{K:306} 10/16/2007
so cute :)
Hugo Anis
{K:662} 10/16/2007
Hi Olga - www.kamik.nfo.pl :)
Olga Vareli
{K:22477} 10/16/2007
tell me your adress and I will come straightforward to adopt the kitten!!!!!7.:) AWARD PLEASE!