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The world of 9-5
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Image Title:  The world of 9-5
Favorites: 0 
 By: Noemi Jurado  
  Copyright ©2007

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Photographer Noemi Jurado  Noemi Jurado {Karma:8849}
Project #49 Dramatic Portrait Camera Model Nikon D50
Categories People
Film Format
Portfolio Portraits
Lens Nikon  17-35mm f/2.8D ED-IF AF-S
Uploaded 11/8/2007 Film / Memory Type Digital
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 422 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 27 Rating
/ 6 Ratings
Location City -  Houston
State -  TX
Country - United States   United States
About During a drive back home from work there is a giant billboard with 2 images: During work. After work. The first shows several welders lighting working fires. The second shows the same welders riding raging bicycles…carrying huge smiles. This is a great marketing add. A striking concept: Work Hard. Play hard. Much can be thought of here.

From there an idea: a 9 to 5 concept, and leaving that world behind. Nothing glamorous just monotone…simple. Yet by no means making it boring, on the contrary and this is what makes play afterwards more enjoyable! Enjoy what remains of your work week :)...

De manejo rumbo a casa se divisa un billboard gigante con 2 imagenes: Durante el el trabajo. Despues del trabajo. El primero muestra varios soldadores encendiendo sus fuegos. El segundo muestra a los mismos montados en sus motos rebeldes..y portando sonrisas enormes. Esto es buen marketing. El concepto es llamativo: Trabajar duro. Jugar duro. Mucho mas viene a la mente.

De alli una idea, el concepto de 9-5 y dejar ese mundo atras. Nada glamoroso, es simple y monotona. Mas esto no significa que lo hace aburrido, al contrario y esto es lo que hace el juego mas sabroso! Bueno, adelante a sacarle provecho a lo que resta de la semana : )...
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There are 27 Comments in 1 Pages
Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 12/1/2007
I thank you for the further explanations of your intentions, Noemi, and of the whole reasoning behind it. There is of course the question of wasting a substantial part of time by doing aome job only for satisfying conformity. And the follow-up question is, who defines that conformity.

But I guess, some things we should be able to also forget for some minutes ;-)




Noemi Jurado Noemi Jurado   {K:8849} 11/30/2007
Thanks Pembe for stopping by. So glad you liked it!


Pembe Emir Pembe Emir   {K:1347} 11/30/2007
it as a very creative idea/concept noemi and the shot is nice as well...


Noemi Jurado Noemi Jurado   {K:8849} 11/29/2007
Thanks Nick for all your elaborate thoughts, they are always pleasure to read.

Precisely the thought behind the project was that it could be anybody – attire preferences aside of course ;) Dull tones to convey monotony…odd pose in hopes of peaking at least a slight interest. It makes me so glad that you liked it :)

Work habits can certainly wear a person out, but friends and family helps remind of the life outside, maybe even a second job can too, ha ha. A joke at home is to often...very often to remind the company and suggest a rewind to hang work baggage under the garden oak trees, I sure have grown fond of those oak trees : ) Cheers!


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 11/22/2007
Talking about the photo itself - not about the idea behind it! - it does possess many self-perception elements but without turning to that kind of cheap self-presentation that we often see here from diletantish under-amateurs that want to impress. No, you put a lot of thought herein, as the omission of the "dramatic pose" and the inclusion of a rather subtle focus and much grain show. They diminish the meaning of the particular person, but strengthen the idea of a "generic" person in the sense that this could be me, this could be you. (OK, OK, I would rather have different things on ;-))

Then the tonality and the dynamics that range from incredibly light (on the right shoulder) to almost completely black on the skirt.

And then your about box, which adds much tension for me since I was in that kind of monotony and it almost killed me.

Tism image I would use for an album cover of some band like for example the old Ramones or Biohazard. It carries much of a silent attitude but also too strong a tension for me. The latter of course only because of my own life as far.




Noemi Jurado Noemi Jurado   {K:8849} 11/15/2007
Gracias JP. Me agrada que te haya gustao. Un placer tu visita :) Saludos.


Noemi Jurado Noemi Jurado   {K:8849} 11/15/2007
Thanks AliMo, that is sweet of you.


JP Spicer-Escalante JP Spicer-Escalante   {K:3831} 11/14/2007
Simple, poignant message, Noemí. I like the sepia-like tones a great deal.




AliMo Nafisi AliMo Nafisi   {K:438} 11/11/2007
very good shot, Noemi, if what you write is as good and poetic as the picture you take, I am interested to read them too.


Noemi Jurado Noemi Jurado   {K:8849} 11/10/2007
Gracias Alicia tus comentarios siempre son bienvenidos :)


Noemi Jurado Noemi Jurado   {K:8849} 11/10/2007
Thanks Pablo. You can say I like chopping peoples heads of (in photography that is) especially when it's mine ;)


Alicia Popp   {K:87532} 11/10/2007
Excelente About e imagen que nos presentas!
Exclente uso de la luz lateral!


Pablo Dylan Pablo Dylan   {K:63918} 11/9/2007
Strange and inusual crop but is very interesting,i think is prfect for projet Noemi.



Noemi Jurado Noemi Jurado   {K:8849} 11/9/2007
Appreciate the feedback John, your are very encouraging. Regards.


Noemi Jurado Noemi Jurado   {K:8849} 11/9/2007
Thanks Srna. Nice of you to stop by, I'll come over and see you too :) I appreciate your comments on this they are always welcomed. Regards.


Noemi Jurado Noemi Jurado   {K:8849} 11/9/2007
Hola Bernardo! Gracias por tu aporte. Te lo agradezco y si ha sido una semana intensa :)


John Hatz John Hatz   {K:156973} 11/9/2007
great shot, part of bidy, back shot and surely a very original way in photography and as I always believe...we NEED that originality, great work Noemi, works very well with sepia tone and that grain...
Best regards!


Noemi Jurado Noemi Jurado   {K:8849} 11/9/2007
Gracias amigo! Como agradezco tus percepciones. Fascinante como el ocultar detalles..rostro, etc. contribuye a ese vuelo de imaginacion. Un saludo!


Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 11/9/2007
Beautiful my dear Noemi !!!
Tones, pose, elegant and so very stylish my Dear !!!
Excellent done !!!
Warm hugs


Noemi Jurado Noemi Jurado   {K:8849} 11/9/2007
Thank you Hakan for your visit. Nice portfoli by the way. Regards.


Noemi Jurado Noemi Jurado   {K:8849} 11/9/2007
Thanks Michele, I appreciate your kind comments over this one. Regards!


txules                                . txules  .   {K:62768} 11/8/2007
me encanta, creo que Michele lo ha dicho todo, simple que no simplista y elegante; un abrazo....txules


Bernardo González Bernardo González   {K:4655} 11/8/2007
Sugerente foto y bonito mensaje. La foto me recuerda a alguien apagando la luz del pasillo antes de acostarse después de un día duro....


Al Ungar   {K:4626} 11/8/2007
I like the image very much, your write up is interesting


Gustavo Scheverin Gustavo Scheverin   {K:164501} 11/8/2007
A mi la foto me resulta sugerente antes que nada, uno se pregunta quién es la persona de espaldas y qué misterio, o qué hitoria encerrará...

Muy lograda!, felicitaciones mi querida amiga!


Hakan AKIRMAK Hakan AKIRMAK   {K:15913} 11/8/2007
Very nice work Noemi! Congrats!


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 11/8/2007
Hi Noemi,

Nice idea and portrait - I love the idea and 'about' !!!
The tones, and simplcity are great - excellent my dear ..Just excellent !!!

All The Best,




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