The weather at the deep autumn changes suddenly...sunny, windly, rainly, sometimes snowly and then sunny again...It was like when I found these two leaves that moved in the small puddle from side to side pushed by wind. They depended so much on its force, but when it was not so strong or dispeared completely, the water was tranquil and it was possible to see the shadows of these leaves. Unfortunately, not so clear since it was not so much sun at that day November, 2007
I had the doubts as for the Project for this photo (or Shadows, or Water, or ....) and left it without title of the project.
This shot was uploaded Dec.8, but after 4 days I changed the project for it for "Peace&Tranquility" due to the impression of Fabrice from this shot. Thank you, Fabrice.
Dear Fabrice, many thanks for both your comments. I am glad that I could sometimes to bring "Peace and tranqulity" in this life ;) . And many thanks for the proposition for the project title. Finally, I have it. Have a nice day. Larysa.
Many-many thanks for your nice comment, dear Arif. I like it. As for the people you are right. When I saw the movement of the leaves I thought also about this. May be you have telepathic ability :) I like that this shot made this impression. Have a nice week end too. Cheers, Larysa.
very nicely composed with its great harmony of colours and shadows.. !! you are right dear larysha, if there was much more light it will be perfect!!! very good work!! Sometimes humans are moved side to side by strong winds of life!!! take care dear larysa, wish you a nice weekend.. arif