ArTmiZ Sayad CHamani
{K:2742} 12/20/2009
axe jaleb ,ghamangangiz, por mohtavaie va bayad be shoma dido az yad nabord...... 7/7
{K:727} 3/30/2009
wow.. without words ! is very dramatic and strong picture, congratulations for your talent !
Roberto Teran!
Amin Mohammadi
{K:2644} 1/22/2009
Huge Photo . Bravo Dear Mohammad . 7/7
Mohammad Khaxar
{K:5118} 10/29/2008
thanks or your attention...thank you...
Mohammad Khaxar
{K:5118} 10/22/2008
thanks melek for your comment.
Tabitha Woods
{K:8650} 10/22/2008
WOW! Brings back many memories....my twin daughters, born premature @ 24wks+5days..so vunerable. BUT lucky for us, they survied with no repercussions & are now a healthy 8yrs old :O) There is hope for others in this situation!!(In NZ anyway:) Powerful Image, well done! Regards
Melek Kul
{K:3599} 10/21/2008
that is good message to who want to kill their babies intentionally... melek
Mohammad Khaxar
{K:5118} 6/17/2008
Oh thanks john... You honored me with your very generous words and I am greatful for your kind support my dear friend from Heraklion !
John Hatz
{K:156973} 6/16/2008
that is a very unusual photo... original, sad of course BUT sometimes the camera must gives the true... after the beautiful flowers, the colours, the butterflies and the lovely animals... there is another great subject that is the pain... not neseserly of the subject BUT of the watchers... watching a photo like that... absolutely increadible, a subject that I don't think I have seen something closed to it, my complements Mohamad for that amazingly difficult shot...
Mohammad Khaxar
{K:5118} 5/1/2008
merci ali jan! agre kamel mikhondi reply ro be kiarang,mifahmidi! axo khodam gereftam ba aksa va fazaye filme 4 maho 3 hafteo 2 rooz mach kardam... mamnon ke sar zadi!
Ali Peyman
{K:1176} 4/30/2008
oops i just saw ur reply to kiarang, ;)
Ali Peyman
{K:1176} 4/30/2008
u got a very uniqe picture (Abortion) mohamad but this one is from a romanian movie (4months3weeks2days) doesnt have anything to do with iran ;)
Ali Peyman
{K:1176} 4/30/2008
u got a very uniqe picture (Abortion) mohamad but this one is from a romanian movie (4months3weeks2days) doesnt have anything to do with iran ;)
Mohammad Khaxar
{K:5118} 4/21/2008
En realidad, se trata de una triste realidad ... Triste y muy oscuro ... Gracias por su apoyo a todos!
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 4/20/2008
Realmente muy impactante, me deja sin palabras...
Mohammad Khaxar
{K:5118} 4/19/2008
hi dear annemette, very glad to see you again! and sorry for my long absence... thank you so much for your wonderful words... your comments are always much appreciated***
Mohammad Khaxar
{K:5118} 4/19/2008
مرسی,لطف دارید, متشکرم از این ضمیمه زیبا!
Kiarang Alaei
{K:49415} 4/18/2008
محمد خاکسار عزیز ممنون از ارایه اطلاعات. میدانم که در فضای ذهنی خاصی به سر می بری و ازین بابت عکسهایت همواره از این آبشخور فکری ملهم شده است و جذابیت داشته است. موفق باشی
Mohammad Khaxar
{K:5118} 4/18/2008
کیارنگ علائی عزیز ممنونم که این قدر دقیق و جزئی به این کار توجه کردین. این عکس همونطور که میبینین,با موبایل گرفته شده,بیمارستان 22 بهمن, بخش نوزادان لوکیشن این عکسه و من تونستم اونجا برم و عکس بگیرم(البته بدون دوربین)چون دختر عمه من رییس بخش نوزادان اون بیمارستانه وگرنه رفتن به چنین جایی بدون دردسر تقریبا غیر ممکنه! در مورد جمله و عکسی که ضمیمه کردم,باید بگم من چون نصف زندگیم با فیلم و سینما و تاترمیگذره,همیشه از فیلماوتاترهای محبوبم استفاده میکنم.نمونه هاش زیاده:مش آلتمن,مرگ و دوشیزه پولانسکی,پنهان میشایل هانکه و.....یکی دیگه از فیلمای محبوبم,4 ماه و 3 هفته و 2 روز هست که محصول 2007 رومانیه و درباره سقط جنین و مصائبش, تو یه کشور سنتی و محدوده...این عکس بالا,تو دستشویی مربوط به یکی از سکانس های فیلمه و من سعی کردم عکس خودمو با این فیلم و فضاشو آدماش تطبیق کنم چون این میتونه همون بچه ای باشه که کلید اون فیلم رومانیایه...عبارت "در سال 1389 ایران " رو هم استفاده کردم چون معتقدم تو کشور ما تا چند سال آینده سقط جنین ناخواسته,یه امر کاملا طبیعی خواهد بود! امیدوارم جواب پرسشاتونو داده باشم! ارادتمند, محمد خاکسار
4 Months, 3 Weeks & 2 Days)Cristian Mungiu( |
Kiarang Alaei
{K:49415} 4/18/2008
Well: Abortion! very strange picture which gives an effect in it's dynamic perspective and scale of the hand! but where have you taken this shot? in which hospital?! how could you give premision to capture this scene in iranian hospitals?! also your attachment causes more questions: is it in Iran? or seems that the location isn't a room in iran?!
Annemette Rosenborg Eriksen
{K:55244} 4/9/2008
What a photo bringing forth so many emotions and thoughts about life being fragile, the missing love, the lost child, the lost opportunities, abortionpolitics etc. Excellent and sad!
Mohammad Khaxar
{K:5118} 4/2/2008
That’s good to know avi – thanks for the congrats and the info!
{K:70138} 4/2/2008
A very very powerful piece of photo-journalism. Congrats Mohamad !!
Mohammad Khaxar
{K:5118} 3/2/2008
And a very goodmorning to you too dear parehan ! Always nice to read your elaborate comments, thanks. so long, mo ha mad.
Mohammad Khaxar
{K:5118} 3/2/2008
Thanks giuliano for looking so attentive to this image.. Have a nice day. hug, mOhAmAd.
Giuliano Guarnieri
{K:36622} 3/1/2008
:( Very dramatic picture! It touch the most personal emotions of each one. The contrast with a living hand is the "speaker"
parehan .K
{K:27453} 2/29/2008
Such a powerful image of such a fragile being, a powerful work.! Warm regards . parehan
biljana mitrovic
{K:48110} 2/19/2008
Oh,it's ok Mohamad...I accept that as God's will ...just,when I saw picture...my memories getting alive again...thank you for your sympathy
Mohammad Khaxar
{K:5118} 2/19/2008
dear biljina, i just dont know what to say...sorry to hear that... how awful... thank you for attention...
biljana mitrovic
{K:48110} 2/18/2008
SAD!!!!!! I had lost my baby many years ago in that period of pregnancy because of my sickness ....It's my biggest regret ....... I can not understand people killing theirs babies ....:(((((
Mohammad Khaxar
{K:5118} 2/18/2008
ensieh akbari,james cook,hussam al_khoder, thank you for visiting, mohamad#
Hussam AL_ Khoder
{K:79545} 2/18/2008
Oh My God.
James Cook
{K:38068} 2/9/2008
Cool, baby.
Mohammad Khaxar
{K:5118} 2/7/2008
hi belma, thank you so much for commenting on my work. best wishes, mohamad.
Mohammad Khaxar
{K:5118} 2/7/2008
thank you so much dear gary, highly appreciated and glad you liked it.. hugsss MohamaD.
ensieh akbari
{K:1076} 2/5/2008
oh my lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Belma Halilovic
{K:208} 2/5/2008
very thought provoking and a great message to all. thank you for sharing. well done.
Billy Bloggs
{K:51043} 2/4/2008
Such a powerful image of such a fragile being, I'm glad you posted this Regards, Gary
Mohammad Khaxar
{K:5118} 2/4/2008
merci arash, mamnon az tavajohet be in kar.az filmaye mehrjooyi sara va dokhtar dayi gomshode bishtarin tasiro roye man gozashtan...karaye jadidesham be ghovate karaye chand sal pishesh nist... be har hal khoshhalam ke nazare ye filmbin va filsazo mikhonam inja! moafagh bashi, mohamad__
Mohammad Khaxar
{K:5118} 2/4/2008
thank you very much poorya.. best wishes, mohamad.
arash ashtiani
{K:1447} 2/3/2008
ye chize ajib barat begam!liela yeki az filmai ke ye asheghesham!hezar bar didmash!va un khesh kesh khub yadame,BORO REZA,BORO!man filmsazi mikhunam,hamoon va leila too nojavanim ajib tasiri dashtan!merci az nazaret va negahet!
arash ashtiani
{K:1447} 2/3/2008
strong!sad!Gham angiz!del gir!ta hala nadideh boodam!maghzam mashghoolesh mishe az alan!che kardi pesar!
Poorya Younesi
{K:2602} 2/3/2008
You Did a Great Jod Hard to Watch Bravo
Mohammad Khaxar
{K:5118} 2/3/2008
Thank you so very much 1301, appreciated your attnetion so much . hugss, mohamad.
Mohammad Khaxar
{K:5118} 2/3/2008
many thanks dear ali. best wishes: mohamad.
Mohammad Khaxar
{K:5118} 2/3/2008
thank you very much srna for attention. My profound thanks.. mohamad.
Srna Stankovic
{K:172232} 2/3/2008
Sad reality, powerful image Mohamad ! Hug, Srna
Ali Naghizadeh
{K:19600} 2/3/2008
This is really intense .. really sad !
Mohammad Khaxar
{K:5118} 2/3/2008
___photo about a woman who assists her friend to arrange an illegal abortion in 1389's iran.
1301307 60
{K:44058} 2/3/2008
astonishing! a powerful picture! a sad reality... regards...