Adam Schiavone
{K:1215} 6/3/2008
You're right - I wish I would have had my 50mm f1.8 with me on this walk. A tripod would have really come in handy too...
Love the new name!
Mohammad Khaxar
{K:5118} 4/25/2008
this is devastating, the picture is wonderfully taken, it expresses perfectly.
Adam Schiavone
{K:1215} 2/26/2008
You're SO right Jim...She's my girlfriend and that look she is giving isn't what you think it is. It's more like, "Come ON Adam - it's cold as hell out here and I want to get back into the car!"
Jim Loy
{K:31373} 2/25/2008
Adam... just crop it lower. Right at the tip of her head.... Her eyes(look) say everything the photo needs to say. Ya have too much top-heavy image. Crop it lower. let her eyes and natural beauty say/tell what needs to be spoken. Other than that.... if ya know her... tell her that Jimmy from Illinois loves the look. For whatever that is worth.
{K:70138} 2/22/2008
Adam, I think even 4.5 is not enought for this shot.. you need bigger aperture.. you need a prime for this..