Byron Burkill
{K:150} 4/10/2008
This idea is fantastic! Although if you were to super-impose the moon onto the light or visa versa, it would have improved the image's impact and quality ten fold! Great photo art - Byron
aZiZ aBc
{K:28345} 4/10/2008
Very good idea and nice title, but unfortunately not edited well , it worthes to repeat.
{K:70138} 4/10/2008
The stitching is not well done, Ernie.
A. W. Osnafotos
{K:6373} 4/10/2008
goodidea + foTo regards, andré
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 4/10/2008
La idea es muy buena, pero no encuentro lograda la fusión de la lámpara con la luna.
Un abrazo!
Dan Wilson
{K:21104} 4/10/2008
Ha ha, very clever, well done, I love your title. You should have taken a little more time doing this and it would have been completely stunning