ercole scorza
{K:7985} 4/13/2008
Street more street can not be Beautiful black and white Good composition. ciao
John Hatz
{K:156973} 4/13/2008
Nice view! it's great the big curve of the road and the bridge, I like the way the road hide at the back of the mountain like that, well seen in greyscale shot Ambenis. be well!
Ilir Xhemsiti
{K:4285} 4/12/2008
Shumė bukur,koleg me Rugovė nuk ka e kam vertetue edhe vet, kam foto shumė tė mira nė Rugovė,por po me vjen mirė qė edhe ty po tė pėlqen natyra. suksese dhe shihemi nė Rugovė.....ILIR
Burim Luta
{K:5255} 4/12/2008
Shum foto e bukur Beni me komponim, tone dhe detale te hatashme. Qka po me pelqen me se shumti eshte thjeshtesia dhe ne te njejten kohe bukuria e kesaj fotoje sepse nuk duhet qe te jesh gjithnje ne nje vend perfekt per te bere nje foto te mire. Une ne kete rruge kam kaluar qindra her dhe asnjehere nuk me ka shkuar mendja ta bej nje foto. :)
Pershendetje dhe suksese Burimi
parehan .K
{K:27453} 4/12/2008
This is amazing image dear Ben! Warm regards and hugs. parehan
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 4/12/2008
The extreme difference of focus between the forground and the bacjground bring me just a differnet view of such a place, Ambenis! And I think that the breathtaking view was perfectly captured here just because if this! The road, as sharp and detailed it looks on the foregrouns, it leads me to the less sharp mountain slopes some meters away. And what slopes they are! Almost vertical!
Waiting for the next magnificent views to evolve before my eyes, I simply sit in the car, bus, whatever, and wait fir the next images!
Quite a real view of the real monutains, Ambenis, when you are just following some road between them! And hey, I know what that's about, I live in the mountains! ;-)
Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 4/11/2008
Great perspective and also a good B&W tones Ben,have a nice week end,riny
Arif Ertan Ersoy (aersoy)
{K:27380} 4/11/2008
great perspective! nice details in beautiful b&w tones! comliments ben! arif
aZiZ aBc
{K:28345} 4/11/2008
good location and angle, well framed, nice mode of BW ..
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 4/11/2008
Muy buena la composición, elegante ademįs. Felicitaciones!
Ugo Rimoldi
{K:6232} 4/11/2008
Ottima street, ottimo ponte! Bravo.
Alida Yolanda
{K:11523} 4/11/2008
Stupenda street caro ben! Complimentissimi!