City - Shah Yaqiq State - SINDH Country - Pakistan
Malangs, found at most of Tombs and Shrines of Pakistan, typically adorn their fingers with various rings. Some of them wear original stone rings while others have to contend with fakes and plastics. And invariably all these rings are made with silver. I have never seen a gold one on them.
'Malang' is an Urdu term meaning a person who shuns the world and lives his own life, free from work or basic human social activities like weddings, funerals, etc. Some of these malangs are known drug traffickers and most of them use drugs on themselves. Only few are clean and tidy.
Ameer this an awesome shot. I knew there is something wrong with a person who wears this much rings. Looks really yucky. At first I thought he might be a thief and after reading your "About" I guess there is no difference if they do the bad stuff! Thank you for bringing this to our attention. The photo is incredible worthy of an award, indeed!