Salvador María Lozada
{K:69375} 6/4/2008
Deslumbrado por tus comentarios eruditos. Que tema para un buen film: Zenobia y el Imperio. Muy agradecido Eze. Besos, P.
Ezequiel Lozada
{K:17176} 6/4/2008
Dos operas dedicadas a Zenobia:
1) Pasquale Anfossi: Zenobia en Palmira (1789) y 2) Rossini: Aureliano en Palmira (1813).
Ezequiel Lozada
{K:17176} 6/4/2008
Lamentablemente, en http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zenobia no hay referencia a la obra de Calderón. Tampoco buscando por Calderón de la Barca en la wikipedia...
Zenobia, en árabe: الزباء بنت عمرو بن الظرب بن حسان ابن أذينة بن السميدع y en griego: η Ζηνοβία, posiblemente tuvo una madre egipcia. Lo más interesante de todo: "Zenobia claimed to be a descendant of the Queen of Carthage, Dido, ... "
También llama mucho la atención lo siguiente: "...According to Augustan History, an imperial declaration in 269 of hers was sent to the citizens of Alexandria, Egypt, describing the city as “my ancestral city”..." (tomado de la wikipedia)
Y se sigue: "Zenobia was described as beautiful and intelligent. She had a dark complexion, her teeth were pearly white, she had black bright eyes that sparkled, and had a beautiful face. Zenobia had a strong and melodic voice and many charms. Zenobia was well educated and knew Greek, Aramaic, Egyptian, and Latin. She was very interested in history and the works of Homer, Plato and other writers from Greece. She also enjoyed hunting animals and drinking"
Asesinados su marido e hijo en el 267 asume el poder como Augusta y pasa a conquistar nuevos territorios en nombre del Imperio Palmyrano.
Paradójicamente, sus esfuerzos por proteger al Imperio Romano (frente oriental) del Sassanida incrementaron sustancialmente su propio poder, y en el 269 conquista el mismo Egipto: "...The Roman prefect of Egypt, Tenagino Probus and his forces, tried to expel them from Egypt, but Zenobia's forces captured and beheaded Probus. She then proclaimed herself Queen of Egypt. After these initial forays, Zenobia became known as a "Warrior Queen".
fascinante -
Salvador María Lozada
{K:69375} 6/4/2008
Querido Eze: Muchas gracias por tu comentario generoso y erudito. Muy sorprendente la cita de Calderon. Muy bagradecido, besos, P.
Ezequiel Lozada
{K:17176} 6/4/2008
Honor a Zenobia
"Romans: I am Zenobia, queen of Palmyra... I am the one who opposed Rome in so many wars, the one who won so many bloody victories. I was betrayed and sold by my traitor” ...
"La Gran Zenobia" - Pedro Calderón de la Barca
Arif Ertan Ersoy (aersoy)
{K:27380} 5/30/2008
very good presentation of the historical details my friend!! very well composed! compliments, arif
Arben Mallaki
{K:10761} 5/30/2008
Excellent composition! Very beautiful ,congratulations for an historical presentation.
M jalili
{K:69009} 5/30/2008
A very good and beautiful shot .............
ali ikizkaya
{K:11418} 5/30/2008
Dear Salvador! Wonderful composition and great perspective. So good POV. Soft colors and nice tones even under the sunlight. Great 7++++++++++++++++++ Warm Regards. Ali
Salvador María Lozada
{K:69375} 5/30/2008
Muchas gracias, Gustavo. Entiendo tu observación crítica. Un abrazo, Salvador
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 5/29/2008
Muy interesante la composición, solo por ahí al cielo le falten algunos detalles o esté un poco sobre expuesto.
Un abrazo!