Alida Yolanda
{K:11523} 6/5/2008
wowwwww this is beautiful, congrat!
Dan Wilson
{K:21104} 6/3/2008
Your welcome my dearest Jen, I am still waiting for my beer ;-).
I will give it a go one of these days, and post it for you.
Cold hugs, he he he, it's winter here.
ali ikizkaya
{K:11418} 6/2/2008
Dear Jen! Lovely shot with soft tones of red color. Very well seen and nice idea to shoot. Great light and the shape of the fire on top is really cool. Color temperature very well balanced. Warm Hugs. Ali
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 5/31/2008
very nice capture of the fire.
Marian Man
{K:80636} 5/31/2008
beautiful!!!! nice capture!!! love those warm colors!!!!! well done dear Jen!!!! warm hugs Marian
Jen van Wijn
{K:24075} 5/31/2008
It was a kind of mystique trip and evening:)) Sitting here around the fire, far away from my home and being perfectly happy with this simple life between the Indians... So, yes it was more then just a fire outside.....much more!
Wishing you sweet dreams and waking up with a smile, big hugs for my Princess!! Kiss Jenxx
Jen van Wijn
{K:24075} 5/31/2008
I am so excited that you will leave soon my sweety, and you if you find the time I would love to get a postcard..loll Will you stay in Rome as well for some days and when exactly will you be back? Keith will be the upper chief, having feathers in his hair, we as a harem around him, wowww..this would put him on fire:))) I really should to sleep now, had too much too eat at dining out and having nice conversations, has been a great day, wishing you a delicious weekend my darling, sleep well and zachte dromen, kusjes an heel veel liefs, Jenxx
Jen van Wijn
{K:24075} 5/31/2008
Well please give it a try dear Dan, hope you can find a fire and show me how this will look like! Campfires are great, giving this dreamy feeling, staring into the flames, head full of thoughts, bringing up the best:)) You did very well pushing and giving me a great time my dear, Warm hugs xxJenxx
Jen van Wijn
{K:24075} 5/31/2008
Tell me about D'Annunzio dear Gaetano, was he a poet? Flames are special, giving light and warmth, but also fear and distruction, besides food and drink we mostly need together with love of course;)) Giving you a warm hug, hoping you will enjoy your weekend sunshine;)) Jenxx
Jen van Wijn
{K:24075} 5/31/2008
I wasnt sure the blur was good to this, wasnt sure at all to put this on for not being sharp enough really;)) But as mostly, its my mood and feeling which makes me do it, it was specially the glow that wanted me to share, and something Keith said at my former shot... Thanks for your great support my dear John, giving me a warm feeling, be well and sweet dreams, Jenxx
Jen van Wijn
{K:24075} 5/31/2008
Thats so great my dear that we are able to imagine things like this, I even think it makes better shots as well to feel a certain attraction to a subject or object, to give it power and something lively, i am sure you understand what I mean;)) Its hard sometimes to express in another language! I had as I said a delicious meal and conversations, pomodore soup, salmon and after ice, cream and Greece yoghurt, yummmm:) I love cooking myself as well and its great to see different spices and dishes, to learn from! Its asperagus time here now, could eat them every day for a while, with ham and eggs, making soup of it..wowww:)) Wishing you a great swinging party, just enjoy my darling, lets dance!! Hugs and kisses, Jenxx
Jen van Wijn
{K:24075} 5/30/2008
Strange isnt it, for me fire was very attracted as a kid! Always making fires with friends, have been on fire as well, but luckely some mom rolled me in a blanket, so I survived:)) 3 Years ago I had a motor bike accident and burned my legg quite bad, this will never recover, but well...I survived again, I must have an angel around me...:)) What good came out after all this I supplied a special hospital for burns in Tanzania on my way to Capetown, there you saw the difference of our modern hospital department, almost nothing worked anymore, once like in this case my hospital put this up, they should keep it supported, otherwise its of no use..... Lets sit around the fire and enjoy, staring and dreaming about a good world with chances for all..!! Be well my dear, enjoy your weekend!
Arif Ertan Ersoy (aersoy)
{K:27380} 5/30/2008
mystique composition!! really wonder about that moment!! nice shot my dear jen! hugs and kisses, rif
Nicole Besch
{K:72664} 5/30/2008
 ...dancing around the fire:))) Of course why not!!Whith Bixie if she likes...no problem..but for sure also with Keith in our middle..Hahahaha!! Great capture with wonderful warm colors..I can feel the heat already...also from the dance...LOL!!! I wish you a wonderful evenng with your friends!! I will write you an email this weeekend!!! Next weekend we are on our way to Rom for leaving with the cruise ship!!! Big hugs to you, Nicki
Dan Wilson
{K:21104} 5/30/2008
oooooh, that would have looked good in Infrared ;-)
No seriously, lovely shot dear Jen. Very nice of you to set us a camp fire after our outing, I was quite tired of the pushing xxoo
Gaetano (Nino) Aievoli
{K:7118} 5/30/2008
Si, giusto, D'Annunzio scriveva "La fiamma è bella, la fiamma è bella"... Un abbraccio con... calore :)))
John Hatz
{K:156973} 5/30/2008
Nice one... looks like a bit long exposure here, so the motion blur on the fire makes it very impressive... especialy how it looks like around it... like fog or something like that...smoke anyway that lighted by the fire.
Julie Salles
{K:22654} 5/30/2008
Funny thing is, I can totally see us doing that. It would be so much fun. Of course I would be drinking wine...hahaha. I am glad you had a good day my friend. Have a wonderful time at dinner, I will be out as well attending a party at a friend's house so we may not catch each other online but over the weekend for sure :) Have fun honey. Big hug and kiss, Julie.
1301307 60
{K:44058} 5/30/2008
Fire is always an attraction, maybe its in our genes.. After Geography, Anthropology and Humanities.. now it's Physics..:) interesting about Jen, it recalls lectures in physics class. I feel the warmth from this shot, the shape and the color are very attractive.. well done Jen.. regards..
Jen van Wijn
{K:24075} 5/30/2008
I told Keith we might go and sing around the fire, him playing the guitar while Bixie and Nickie will dance like Indians, what about that:))
My day was fine, just spent too much money on frames and developing photographs for next week, will be out tonight, having dinner...:)) Wishing you a great weekend and we will talk soon, I promis you, might even be when I come home tonight, big hugs and kisses!! xxJen
Jen van Wijn
{K:24075} 5/30/2008
Thank you my dear Pablo, it was really wonderful to sit around the fire, gives this dreamy feeling and missing Keith's guitar playing...:) Wishing you a wonderful weekend, hugs Jenxx
Jen van Wijn
{K:24075} 5/30/2008
Thank you for liking my little warm fire, hope it will warm you up as well! Warm hugs anyway for the weekend my dear Teresa:) Be well, Jenxx
Jen van Wijn
{K:24075} 5/30/2008
Thanks my darling, maybe you havent noticed I put this one because of what you said in the former shot:)) Would love to hear you playing the guitar, Julie and I will sing and maybe Bixie and Nickie will dance too for you around the fire:)) What about that???? It will be nice and warm and finally Dan will have his beer and what is Tony's favourite drink?? Be sweet and well, big hugs and kiss, xxJen
Julie Salles
{K:22654} 5/30/2008
Hi my dear friend. I really like this. Great light and the shape of the fire on top is really cool. Well done sweetie. Hope you are having a good day. I miss you. xoxo, Julie.
Pablo Dylan
{K:63918} 5/30/2008
magic light in this shot. I like it.
Teresa Ferraris
{K:16126} 5/30/2008
Semplicemente bella. MI piace. ciao teresa
Keith Growden
{K:29240} 5/30/2008
Wonderfull hot hot capture Jen. Like the way you cought the flames making the same shape at the top. Only thing i could suggest is to have some logs around it to sit on and someone playing a guitar. Your pretty face glowing in the light being reflected from the fire :)) Hugs xxx Keith:) :)