Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 7/20/2008
You take your steps more and more in that direction, and you take them very very well, Visar! And the images eveolve as the time passes by to something magnetic but also puzzling (as it has to be!!).
The interpetation will always be a part of such images, simply because the photographer only shows, displays - instead of loading the image with his own "symbolic" and expecting all the world to understand "his/her wonderful encoded message", as most people here think. So, since you are definitely not as self-convinced as those guys, you present not the interpretation itself, but something really important: The *source* of any interpretation at all!!
And so my interpretation, as any other intrepretation too, has to be made by keeping in mind that *any* interpretation will at the end either generate contradiction, or it will not be able to capture the "truth" of the subject. Interpretations are like mathematical theories. They also include some certain portion of contradiction or imperfection.
Now, when the image depicts something that is subject to interpretation, and the subject itself talks about the fact of the contradiction or imperfection, then we have a very interesting thing. It is interpreting the results of the very fact that interpretation will be imperfect or self-contradicting. Nice thing, ey? No matter how many layers of interpretation about the interpretation (about the interpretation..., and so on) ones uses, there can be stil another one on the top of it. And it is exactly as all the previous ones. The perfect situation! ;-)
Drinking the bottle with you!!
gianna piano
{K:15530} 7/18/2008
you are welcome! but...mrs g.! :)
absynthius .
{K:20748} 7/18/2008
thank you, thank you Mr. G. :)
absynthius .
{K:20748} 7/18/2008
Kareem what do you mean with 'good tray'?
absynthius .
{K:20748} 7/18/2008
i could not say that Ali, but they are interesting.
thanks for comment, v.
absynthius .
{K:20748} 7/18/2008
thank you Gary, my preference is somewhat confused between the two, really. They both are similar and yet very different- not only in colour vs monochrome, but focus, shutter... and they do seem to have enormous impact in presantation.
thanks a lot, v.
absynthius .
{K:20748} 7/18/2008
thank you Irena-
absynthius .
{K:20748} 7/18/2008
hey Kaveh,
well, true that this dance is mostly manifested in the countries you mention- but, they do also exist in Kosova. in fact, a variation of this sect has the world seat in Gjakova (a town in Kosova)! i was surprised to know aobut that.
and yes, they do have this dance here too-
i am attaching here a link to their seat. http://www.komunitetibektashi.org/in.php?fq=brenda&m=shfaqart&aid=50&gj=gj2
thanks, v.
absynthius .
{K:20748} 7/18/2008
what could i say with regards to this, undoubtely most precise comment, ever written for a photo i made!?! i am touched and even confused a bit by it- i am touched to see my work being rewarded with such interpretation and confused for it suprass even my understanding of it-
Nick, I was reading something of H.C. Bresson. such a modest sharp man- photographer of his kind. no question or doubt about it. if there's one photographer i admire, it is him. He says subject can never be negated. and taht is my moto.
I am striving, everyday, to create something different in compositions- something that would drift and be amorph- a rather everchanging no-logic-involved when mirrored with the socially constructed believes; be it photography, film, whatever... as you said it 'the light warns us to only look if we can face it'- so, if we resist it it gets blinding and who knows to what realms it casts us- and it proves so many many times- like in your case, your interpretation.
in addition to your though, i would only love to find, something as light that shapes things, somthing that changes the thought into letters- and, perhaps, if it were not for people like you, i would not have any interest in showing my work-
thanks a lot, and cheers to you- i could swallow a burbon bottle now, hat off, v.
Irena - Marta
{K:4875} 7/17/2008
invisible outside prayer.. very good also in B&W
regards Visar i-m
gianna piano
{K:15530} 7/12/2008
this is really great, Visar. In my fav.:) g.
Kaveh H.
{K:1165} 7/12/2008
i thought this dance is known only in Iran and turkey!
well done ;-)
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 7/12/2008
The narcotic dizziness proceeds to new, even higher levels here, Visar! Still the kid is one anchor of the scene, but it is a witness of an even more ununderstandable... something, while the additional person seems to take the role of the one that "explains", or at least tries to explain what the boy is witnessing.
The white figures of the dervishes on the background of the well timed and well arranged composition, are still perceivable but also "airy", "fuzzy", resisting any kind of sharper definition.
So, the synchronicity of conscious questioning and transitive undefinability of consciousness makes both things to look true and false at the same time - or even nothing of the two! I guess that the lighting was rather perfect here, since it kept highlights and shadows very strong. The less degree of detailedness is also a good thing here, or else there would be no antagonism of consciousness and undefinability.
I must name the boy "Goedel"! ;-) It finds out that it can't find out perfectly but only in a limited manner! The cognitive success was to recognize and prove that truth and falsehood can be both inadequate qualities for answering a question with "yes" or "no", and this not only in the sense of "not knowing exactly", or of "being ambivalent"! It was much more than this. It was like asking about existence of something and answering that the question itself might also have no meaning at all, exactly *because* it assumes the existence of the existence itself. I.e. like asking if there exist infinite many or not infinite many twin primes, and finding out... neither nor!!!! But then... not infinite many and not finite many??? What the heck else?? What is there else than that, when the very definition of these two entities disallows anything else???
You see, strong photography activates the most insane gray cells in mind, but that's a good thing to have! It enables us to deal also with some more things than the empty fantasies of the "natural born artists!" who still deal with pets! ;-)
I hope you return to such subjects from time to time, Visar!
Cheers! (Boy, am I in bad need of a double-triple now!!! ;-))
kareem nabeel
{K:1147} 7/12/2008
Nice in capture ..
good tray ... i like the emotion .
my regards.
ali ikizkaya
{K:11418} 7/11/2008
Dear Visar! very nice motion blur. I believe all whirling dervish shot is precious. Warm Regards. Ali
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 7/11/2008
Excelente, qué mirada la de la niña!
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 7/11/2008
nice dynamic bw well done
Billy Bloggs
{K:51043} 7/11/2008
Everyone is in motion except again, for the child. He must have an inner stillness. A zen child surrounded by sufis, perhaps. I prefer the colours personally. Regards, Gary
RC. Dany
{K:64104} 7/11/2008
Excellent !!!!!!!!!