Stan Hill
{K:35352} 8/7/2008
Hi Joe, I see the trade offs as well. Next time I will try some bracket exposures and see if I have more to work with. A learning process. Growth is the only evidence of life. Thanks again for the 9.5 pts worth and the extra help. Think I got the sensor clean. Have a great day, Stan
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 8/7/2008
Thanks Ania, you rock! I appreciate all of your wonderful comments and encouragement. The sky and landscape are easy to make smile. I am fortunate to live in an area surrounded by so much natural beauty. It is my studio. Be well, Stan
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 8/7/2008
Thanks Dave, I was playing with B/W setting on my camera with a polarizing filter and then a LBB filter in PS. The rays were really nice. We got a great thunderstorm a short while after this shot. Be well, Stan
Joe Brown
{K:23213} 8/7/2008
It's tough Stan. Now you've lost a lot of the dramatic impact created by the light radiating down. Sometimes it has to be done in the camera. I do like the subtle detail that you can now see in the mountains at the bottom. I prefer your original. Regards, Joe
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 8/7/2008
Joe I tweeked it with shadows highligt and came up with this. Am I on the right track? Let me know what you think, I respect your opinions. Thanks Stan
Ania Blazejewska
{K:23981} 8/7/2008
another excellent sky! great capture Stan regards ania
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 8/7/2008
I like the rays of light coming through on this one, Stan! Dave.
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 8/7/2008
Thanks for the vote of confidence. I love photography and the people it brings me in touch with. I so appreciate the positive critiques and help. I try to focus on using the light and letting it work with and for me. Be well and I will explore the Raw and the shadows,Stan
Joe Brown
{K:23213} 8/7/2008
You are doing great. The main thing is to have fun. Joe
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 8/7/2008
Thanks Joe, I was not sure on the clipping as you noticed. I have been shooting Digital since April and it is all pretty much a hands on by mistake process. I am trying to get up to speed on photoshop by myself and there is so much to comprehend I am still in baby steps and learning something every day even if I still do not get it. I have been shooting Jpeg High for most because I have not figured out all of the raw program yet. I have tried shadow highlight but still not sure how it works. This picture I went through the filters to see what looked best and then played with luminosity. I appreciate the time to share this with me. I am taking notes and will work on seeing how this will work. Thanks so much, Stan
Joe Brown
{K:23213} 8/7/2008
Stan I suspect you may have misunderstood my clipping comment. I am referring to the bright areas in the sky where there is really no information or clipping. I usually try to adjust exposure when shooting to avoid clipping in the brightest areas of the shot. Also, I shoot in RAW so that I can recover data from those are if possible using PS. Two PS tools that I find most useful in dealing this issue are Recovery in Camera Raw or Shadows and Highlights PS proper. Shadows and Highlights does a nice job of reducing the dynamic range of contrasty images such as this. Regards, Joe
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 8/7/2008
Joe how about a 9.5 on the honesty. Just lost my cinema monitor a few days ago and am using an old 15 inch CRT. Honestly missed the sensor dirt. I appreciate the heads up on that. As far as clipping goes there was no crop other than the actual shot. Thanks for the real critique, I need to hear to learn from the process. I am going to clean sensor after I get this off to you. Be well and thanks, Stan
Joe Brown
{K:23213} 8/6/2008
I like the image, the rays of light radiating down top centre, the interesting blue clouds, the silhouette of the mountains all combine to create a very attractive composition. What I don't like is much less significant probably not worht 10 pts, the clipping of the bright parts of the sky and the dirt on your sensor. Best regards, Joe
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 8/6/2008
Thanks Anne, I am glad that you found it pleasing too! It is fun to watch the sky change around here. A mile high seems to do something to the clouds. Be well and have a great day, Stan
RC. Dany
{K:64104} 8/6/2008
Fantastic light.
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 8/6/2008
Thank you so much David, you made me feel good with your kind words. Nice to share this with you. Be well, Stan
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 8/6/2008
Thanks Ananda, just playing around with the filters and liked this one. Glad you saw the contrast as well. Be well,Stan
David Rodriguez
{K:11965} 8/6/2008
Otro excelente cielo Stan, un horizonte maravilloso. Muy buen ojo el tuyo, excelente captura! David
{K:4486} 8/6/2008
Love the cool blue tones. The dark silhouettes of the hills and the cool blue color match pretty wll according to me.