Jen van Wijn
{K:24075} 9/18/2008
Well you could always have a drink out of one these bra's, they might make you drunk, depending on which size...:)) Jus a pity you didnt find them, maybe you dould have brought me some, are you in Kator, or more the way to Igalo..did you see the castle at night? Watch the Russians, did you see the 'ísland' of Putin's wife, quite impressive piece of land... maybe a good point of investigate next to here:) Be well and cheers in your 'bar' :)) Jenxx
AJ Miller
{K:49168} 9/18/2008
MNE update: unfortunately the bra shop has sold out. But I have managed to find you some anagrams. I had a drink in one of them (a "bar"), and have been investigating proposed developments at another (the port of "Bar"). Enjoy Crete (and don't make anagrams of THAT!)
Jen van Wijn
{K:24075} 9/14/2008
Its quite funny as I was supposed to go to MNE as well by today, for 3 weeks staying at Igalo, but as I will not after all now you have to look for the bra's and specially my size:)))Hope they have left you some...have a look, its at the seaside...great view:)))
Wishing you a wonderful time, I will be off for Crete soon instead, hugs Jen
AJ Miller
{K:49168} 9/12/2008
Now there's a sight! And I'm heading out to MNE on Monday so must look out for these! Though it seems from the comments as though an order may already have been placed for the entire stock of this outlet...
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 8/27/2008
Jen, Bixie knows now my opinion.
PS, those Madonna type bra in front i like very much ( red and white ). Can you try them on for me please ;-) ?
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 8/27/2008
I like the image very much. And I stay very cool !
Ow, pffffffffff, now I get hot, icecubes, fast !
Jen van Wijn
{K:24075} 8/26/2008
Night Bixie, was nice talking to you again:) No, you are right, the undies did look nice but the sizes were not right for me..loll You are right it wasnt just Keith, even Arif was responding, Harry might tell you his opinion, you never know what to expect from men..:)) Sleep well my dear, big hugs, Jen
Jen van Wijn
{K:24075} 8/26/2008
Nog lager?? Dat wordt wel heeel koud....'k zou het er niet op wagen:))) Bix wil graag een vertaling van jouw mening...dus go ahead! Trusten!
Jen van Wijn
{K:24075} 8/26/2008
So, your size is too common...lolll I wish I had that as well.... Keith was indeed her, just like Harry and Arif, those were the brave men, daring to comment, we should do more with this kind of subjects:))) You are lucky the sun was shining, it wasnt here, but just like me you didnt have a bbq on Saturday, how disappointing although that chinese food sounded great too, I love it! And well, if the people together are nice, thats most important, having fun makes food taste better:)) Wishing you a great sleep and sweet dreams my dear, Lots of hugs, Jenxx
biljana mitrovic
{K:48110} 8/26/2008
This is usual in Serbia too :) very cheep and not bad at all ;)))
and I think there is not just Keith,Harry was here too,just he wrote on Dutch so I don't know his opinion ;))))) hugs biiiiig biljana
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 8/26/2008
Ijsblokjes in mijn nek, nee, lager ;-)
Nicole Besch
{K:72664} 8/26/2008
Yes you are right I'm astonished too..no more men on this site:)))But Keith were there...Hahahaha:)) I knew this..:)))!! Normal cupe size my dear...therefore they were sold out:)) Sun is shining here..it is already warm:)) I will enjoy it today!¨ Big hugs to you, Nicki
Jen van Wijn
{K:24075} 8/26/2008
Een icetea voor meneer hahaaaa Wat blokjes in je nek? Komt toch wel goed met je hč:)) Tuurlijk blijf je hier boelkloedig onder, dank voor je leuke reactie:)) liefs Jen
Jen van Wijn
{K:24075} 8/26/2008
I hope this is not bad for your health my dear one, how about your bloodpressure??:))) I wish I could get rid of them but I am afraid this wont work really, there is something like weight and sizes...haaaahaaa Red isnt really my colour, although I have them in almost all possible colours..loll Hoping you will sleep well on this later, dont get too excited my sweet friend:)) Be well and enjoy your afternoon, warm hugs Jenxx
Jen van Wijn
{K:24075} 8/26/2008
Morning dear rif, you can have any you like...loll Not sute this was orange, it looked more like red to me, will that be ok? Hoping you know your cup size..:)))) Its great to see you smile, one thing Bangee doesnt care about, as we do..loll Have a funny day, be well! Kisses and hugs, jen
Jen van Wijn
{K:24075} 8/26/2008
It will breakfast now in the meantime, good morning my sweety! I personally dont like the push-ups bra's at all, they are more for my girl yet:)) Its so great you like this one, thanks dear! Have a great day, big hugs Jenxx
Jen van Wijn
{K:24075} 8/26/2008
The black ones might be sold out my dear, they are so populair:))) Depends on your cup size sweety..lolll No, you didnt get one for free, but cloths were cheaper then in shops, the only problem was, how to try them on in public..lolll I hope Keith is interested in bra's, as I can see there are not many people interested in our dresscode..hahaaa My evening was great, hope you have a sunny day, they promised here, but until now...none!! Big hugs, Jenxx
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 8/26/2008
Nou, dat maakt heel wat reacties los zeg. En ik blijf er heel koel onder hoor. Pfffffffffffffff snel, ijsblokjes !
Keith Growden
{K:29240} 8/26/2008
Lol. I cant believe this. You and Nicki ganging up on me. Ill remember. xoxo
Keith Growden
{K:29240} 8/26/2008
Why me?:)) You'll keep :)) Cheeky. xoxo
Keith Growden
{K:29240} 8/26/2008
WOOOOW. :)) Racks of over shoulder boulder holders. All colours. Are you joining womens lib princess and throwing them all out for some freedom :))). Nah, i know there not yours :))) Yours are a better quality for a start. Peta and Kelly {in a couple of my pics} took me into one of those shops once. Think i was the colour of that red one :)) Excellent my dear. Big hugs. Keithxxx:) :)
Arif Ertan Ersoy (aersoy)
{K:27380} 8/25/2008
what a nice and colourful bra s :)))) can i have the orange one:))))lol:))))) so funny shot with nice colours dear!! hugs and kisses! arif
Nicole Besch
{K:72664} 8/25/2008
Hehehehe...me neither Julie:))))))))))))))))!!!! Nicki;)
Julie Salles
{K:22654} 8/25/2008
You're right it looks a bit on the smaller side ;) Just eating my lunch now, still have a few hours to go :/ Have a nice evening sweetie. xoxoxo, Julie.
Julie Salles
{K:22654} 8/25/2008
ahahahahhaa, I am totally with you on this one Nicki. I can't wait to see what Keith will say...hahahahaha!
Nicole Besch
{K:72664} 8/25/2008
So I would like a black one...but I can't see any..LOL!!!What a great and a funny capture!!Was everything on sale??If you buy two you get one free:)))? I'm so curious about Keith comments...Hahahaha!!! Great as always my dear friend!!! I wish you a funny evening:) Hugs, Nicki
Jen van Wijn
{K:24075} 8/25/2008
Hahaaa...ok.... I will give you the yellow set, are you sure its your size my dear??? No, I didnt find any of my size anyway, pity isnt it, they looked so nice! If you buy 2 pairs I will give you some discount...lolll You must be still at work, hope you do well, with lots of coffee! Big hugs and kizz, Jenxx
Julie Salles
{K:22654} 8/25/2008
Bras and undies for sale. Did you buy some? ;) I'll take the yellow one towards the back please. It looks like towards the very end on the top there's a panty to match it, I'll take that too :) Fun capture my dearest friend. Big hug and kiss, Julie.