Brian Walsh
{K:379} 9/4/2008
Your welcome Bob. I do really like this image. I must check out your other stuff.
Bob Brins
{K:4130} 9/3/2008
Nice of you to say so, Jim. Sometimes I get lucky.
Bob Brins
{K:4130} 9/3/2008
Thanks, Avi. I used to bring visiting friends through that door at the corner of the large temple room. I tried to share my wonder at the vast enclosed space with its beautiful, ancient building. Also, taking pictures of art makes composition easy. Only pictures of children compose themselves better.
Bob Brins
{K:4130} 9/3/2008
Thank you, Amitava. It is a little tilted. I'm grateful for your spotting it. I sort of liked the dark shape at the right as it put my sitter behind something, not just on the edge. Also, I enjoyed the way the dark shape mimicked the tone of the first sculpture. I am fortunate to have your detailed response.
Bob Brins
{K:4130} 9/3/2008
Hello, AJ. Yes, the scene was there and I was luckily ready. Thanks for your generous words. I think if I took the perfect picture, I'd stop taking them.
Bob Brins
{K:4130} 9/3/2008
Thank you, Saad. The sitter was an elderly but very alert lady. The chair she was using seems to be folable and portable with small wheels. I had to be areful with the shot. There was backlighting but not much more.
Thanks again,
Bob Brins
{K:4130} 9/3/2008
Thanks, Aziz. I'm fortunate to live in NYC where there are so many interesting places to make images.
Bob Brins
{K:4130} 9/3/2008
Thanks, Brian. No, it wasn't set up. I came upon the scene, observed the situation and pattern, then, acted quickly. I worked on the lighting a little to emphasize the diagonal. There are a few compromises, the dark shape at the right being one. I wanted to keep some of what was concealing the sitter. I also liked the way the dark, but not black, tone worked with the first sculpture. Cropping would change the balance. But, I'm very grateful for you considered critique.
Jim Budrakey
{K:24393} 9/3/2008
Smile :-) I like the juxtaposition. I like your eye.
{K:70138} 9/2/2008
EXCELLENT !!!.. It is one of my favourite areas in the Met, and you got a fabulous composition here !! cheers, Avi
Amitava Banerjea
{K:7088} 9/2/2008
Very well spotted and captured. I would echo the suggestion for cropping the dark wall on the right. Also, may be you could crop the extra bit of stone on the top left and correct the slight vertical tilt to the right.
Sort of like so:
AJ Miller
{K:49168} 9/2/2008
Just one of those moments. Not quite perfect (for reasons already pointed out), but the concept is superb and it's an excellent shot nonetheless.
Saad Salem
{K:89003} 9/2/2008
very well seen,and excellently captured,I wish the chair is a normal one,nevertheless,not affecting the shot at all,my best regards, Saad.
aZiZ aBc
{K:28345} 9/2/2008
Excellent, very well done ..>7
Brian Walsh
{K:379} 9/2/2008
Well spotted (or set up). I like the diagonal composition. I might have cropped the dark strip of wall on the far right, or lightened it. Just a thought.