I'm so terribly frustrated with this site! I have to vent for a minute, then I'll be done!!! I thought we were all out of high school now and grown adults? I've seen such brilliant work here that gets few comments or praise and it just irritates me so badly! I know I have much to learn in photography yet, and I'm ok with that:) I got a notice to renew my membership, and NO I won't be doing that. Rant over.
Thanks so much Julie! Yes, I am so very frustrated with this site. I admire your work tremendously my friend. Ha I wish I could move to NY, but I would freeze to death!! You come to Texas and become a millionaire like you deserve!
My friend I guess you and I are sharing the same frustrations about this place lately. In regards to your work, you know how I feel about it and think that you are brilliant and one day you and I will be partners. I swear I'll get you to move to NY :)
Now, this image is amazing! Fantastic colors, beautiful details and DOF.
Such a delicate composition my dear Pam, amazing how you did this, proud of you!! Please dont get frustrated too much my dear, its for me like a learning school indeed, next to my photo class I see all the wonderful pictures over here. I do agree with you that there is a lot of great work to comment, but its hard to find the time sometimes to look through all of them, wish I could! :)) I hope you will stay with us, your work is brilliant, Warm hugs and kisses, Jenxx
Thanks so much Brigitte for the feedback! I'm more frustrated for others, than for myself. I know as a very new photographer, it was disheartening to not have guidance and suggestions, critiques, etc. Thanks so much for looking and the encouragement! You're doing awesome!
Hi Pamela, I understand your frustration but unless people know that you are seriously looking for advise then you probably won't get much (in my experience here anyway) except from a very few techie types. Try to befriend them and they will give you advise. Do not be afraid to ask for what you want in comments or even in your bio. The only benefit to donating to this site is so that you get to post more than 1 image a day, otherwise it is the same.. people can still comment on your photos and so can you on theirs. You know I try to give advise when you ask me but then I am no expert either, I'm just like you, learning, experimenting, sharing... and all the feedback, constructive or complementary is all helpful to me. Hopefully now that you've expressed your needs, more people will offer more constructive criticism to help you grow in your craft. I really do think you are doing well though and learning a lot. I think it's neat how you rented a new lens and experimented with that - that's how you learn. You've offered good suggestions to me and I appreciate that also. Hang in there... don't get frustrated... keep shooting and keep sharing. I love your work and I know others do too.
Oh, I almost forgot... I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this image and think it is one of your finest so far. The colors are so clear and pleasant and you always have the nicest out of focus dof backgrounds with the most complementary colors. This one almost screams for a poem to be printed in the left hand area.. then it would be ready to be printed into a greeting card! You're doing great!
Aziz I am here to learn for sure! It is not for the compliments that's for sure. I just find it frustrating that people can't reach out more, and help one another a little bit more on here, without being rude or hateful. That's my frustration. Thanks for looking:)
This is brilliant, .. Best dof, focus and colors, .. My fav, .. BTW: Why we are here? Is it for compliments and chat with new friends or to exhibit our works and prove that we are the best? Or to learn more and get the benefit of different experiences through critiques and loooking to others' works and opinion? I believe in the last one. Best regards, .. Aziz