Michele Beccia
{K:16535} 3/31/2010
Thank you Jurek!:)
Jurek Sobkowicz
{K:344} 3/31/2010
Nice pictures, regards Jerry
Michele Beccia
{K:16535} 1/30/2010
Grazie del commento Lucio, ciao:)
lucio brando
{K:2295} 1/30/2010
ottima macro bei colori complimenti ciao lucio
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 8/16/2009
Perhaps a bit trivial or too usual as a subject, but the square and centered image regains much interest for it, especially in its vivid and strict palette of tones. Good focus too though some greater DOF might have done good in turning some petal contours a bit sharper - but the certain softness also has its benefits on such an image. There are also some problems on the gradients from red to shadows in the centre of the image, as they lost some of their smoothness. Was that the result of turning the contrast higher?
{K:13273} 5/12/2009
I like red roses and I was taken a red rose and it in my portfolio :) Bests
Michele Beccia
{K:16535} 5/12/2009
Grazie Rasna, ciao!
Rasna 69
{K:8916} 5/12/2009
ottima inquadratura per questo bel macro!.un buon lavoro per me! ciao!:)
Michele Beccia
{K:16535} 5/12/2009
Grazie Luca, ciao!
Luca Peccerillo
{K:17660} 5/11/2009
Veramente un taglio eccellente caro Michele Non saprei come fotografare meglio una rosa Ciao
Michele Beccia
{K:16535} 5/11/2009
Thank you Miriam!
miriam leitner
{K:3457} 5/11/2009
wow, amazing colours and details! beautiful flower!