Kallol Majumdar
{K:27691} 3/10/2011
Thank you so much, Sauvik
Sauvik Chandra
{K:3895} 2/10/2011
Good concept
Kallol Majumdar
{K:27691} 10/21/2009
Thank you, Krishnedu. Chhobita-te ja korte cheychhi ta korte parini ei dissatisfaction-ta aachhe...aar right forearm-e below chin je mark-ta aamar mone hoy chul eshe porechhe...
Krisnendu Sar
{K:1004} 10/20/2009
Nice concept Kallol. I do not know how a happy bird looks, but the lady here is the quintessential Indian housewife. You have captured a very nice smiling face. If I pick a bit, it is the line mark on her right forearm just below her chin which seems out of place. Enjoyed viewing your work.
Kallol Majumdar
{K:27691} 7/4/2009
Thanks for your comments. You are very correct in your observation. But if I change the title to 'Happily Caged', could it suit the mood?
Arup Bhattacharya
{K:3422} 7/2/2009
Nice concept Kallol .. the bird really seems to seek freedom and she looks happy with the cage.. Or does really she ??
Good shot ..
Just thought .. since the woman is smiling .. how would it be if you made that part of the image in B&W .. ??