Suriani, it was taken in Yogyakarta in the lobby of the hotel I was staying at, it was a long time ago, maaf, saya lupa nama hotel ini. Not sure if I said that right, been a while. It was a long exposure around 1/15th second hand held, not sure why the color cast, as mentioned earlier, it was shot on old ektachrome under some strange lights. Probably should have been cleaned up in photoshop.
I really enjoyed my time in Yogyakarta, would like to go back some day.
Kristupa, yes they do look a bit on the magenta side, which is actually how they look on the film. Not really sure what caused that unless it was something with the lighting. This was taken with old type Ektachrome, not the normal E100SW that I prefer, so I think it is just being itself with strange colors.
I will look into some PS adjustments and see if I can make it look a bit less strange.