Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 7/31/2009
Well, maybe the maker saw the same movie and did it after that, Saad.
Saad Salem
{K:89003} 7/30/2009
I have seen such an imaginary machine in at least one movie, Sindbad and the mummy, a good job Nick, Saad.
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 7/29/2009
Thanks a lot Jacques!
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 7/28/2009
the result is really interesting
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 7/28/2009
Sometimes I also have some idea that gas to be constructed out of some real image in a photo-realistic way. This is the highest degree of photo-retouch, Gustavo. because it is the hardest one to do in some acceptable way.
Thanks a lot.
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 7/28/2009
Thanks a lot, Yen!
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 7/27/2009
Heyyy, estoy sorprendido, te haz traído nuevas fotos muy originales y novedosas, un gusto verte incursionar en nuevas ideas! Felicitaciones!
Yen I Lien
{K:1530} 7/26/2009
Excelente idea!!! muy buena idea!!!
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 7/24/2009
I am glad you do, Vandi!
And thanks also for the attachment, which is also interesting as an idea. I think that it could also take some waves and foam at the lower part for simulating motion and speed.
My thought was to have ship, train and airplane on the same image, though, as the title also says. So, it should be flying and that's why I didn't let it swim.
Vandy Neculae
{K:7990} 7/23/2009
Great idea, Nick! I like it.
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 7/23/2009
Thanks a lot Fione!
The right part of the construction is really made this way. The bottom of the vehicle is a but curvy, not exactly straight.
About being serious, I am extremely serious when it comes to photography. This doesn't exclude humour, but it excludes "quick and dirty" solutions to photographical problems.
Fione Teunis
{K:172} 7/22/2009
it seems to me that its overhealing to the right (is lower). I like the contrast of the blackish train and the white of the sky. Luckely there are people who can still make fun with photography, because many seem to serious.