City - Batllava State - KOSOVË Country - UF Old Timers
… son, we do not love. Love is the most carnal of illusions. Listen to me now: To love is to possess. And what does one possess when he loves? A body? In order to possess it, we would have to make its matter our own, eat it, incorporate it into ourselves… and even that impossibility would only be temporary because our own body passes on and metamorphoses, because we do not possess our body (we merely possess our sensation of it), and because once we have possessed that beloved body, it would become ours, and seize to be another’s. and love, therefore, once the other being disappeared, would also disappear…
It is the hardest, the most terrifying, the most penetrating and most complete image of despair which I have never seen.... The abyss of your soul exceeds by far mine....
Even if illusion, then very powerful, so powerful that becomes almost touchable..! Anyway, great strong photo; for me it's also like a "man without face" lost, because of modern tendence to make people think the same and look the same, and behave the same which makes one hide his own unique personality somewhere deep inside... Very impressive work....
the about part is an excerpt from "the book of disquiet", F. Pessoa. this part especially had drown a lot of attention to me for the humiliation it sheds on our modern world and its needs of capitalism- where all are think of capital possession... and Pessoa, does not hesitate to tell us that we cannot posses even our bodies and let alone anything else of material character.
dust we are mate, and in dust will be converted excellent PS: not a big fan of "abouts" but find this very inteersting, anyway I believe pictures must be self-explained even conceptual works like this peace brother....txules