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Somewhere ...
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Image Title:  Somewhere ...
Favorites: 1 
 By: Gabriella  M.  
  Copyright ©2010

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Photographer Gabriella  M.  Gabriella  M. {Karma:33863}
Project #21 Alone Camera Model samsungm310
Categories Abstracts
Film Format digital
Portfolio Lens in built
Uploaded 6/3/2010 Film / Memory Type digital
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 528 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 34 Rating
/ 12 Ratings
Location City - 
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Country - Romania   Romania
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There are 34 Comments in 1 Pages
joão  chaves   {K:4140} 6/8/2010
Do you paint ???


Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 6/5/2010
it looks like a well know journey on your own to find what should be found ... whatever ..



Massimo Di Maggio Massimo Di Maggio   {K:-53658} 6/5/2010
Mi sembra di vedere una donna che guarda al suo passato...


M  jalili M  jalili   {K:69009} 6/4/2010
Dear at the outset I am not good in English as well. And use the Google translation is available on the web.
I like to say to. That artistic production is not dependent on Alnaadat or on the high-tech all the time. As an artist produces art from the simplest things available to him. Because the talent is not sold and do not buy talent, but refine and grow and grow. No fault in that we use any kind of expensive cameras or even camera mobile.
Many people have the equipment and his command of thousands of dollars, but where they are and where their products in photography, for example.
If talent and ability to be a product of human art is the most important in this whole process.
And this.
I extend my sincere respect for and appreciation of this remarkable capability in the artistic production, which I considered something special in photography.
If you love to communicate send me your email if there is no embarrassment.
Really sincere and without courtesy .


Gabriella  M. Gabriella  M.   {K:33863} 6/4/2010
dear Yazeed,
I believe that you did not well understand what I would want to say.
1. I have no camera or the other type of device, but only a cellphone, not very successful: I know almost nothing of the technique that involves the realization of a photography.
I believe that to be a real photographer it is necessary to have, next to the talent, many of the technical knowledge.
That is why I am not a real photographer and you are.
2. I had understood what you like in my works , but it is not the result of a certain technique, but likes of my personality, thus you can be maybe inspired, but there is nothing to learn.
3. Really, the very stressed praises give me a feeling of embarrassment. I like bein appreciated, but....

With the hope that you have me correctly included (in spite of my English) and that you will remain my friend....G.


M  jalili M  jalili   {K:69009} 6/4/2010
Madam, and my dear friend.
I was when I wrote those words I did not only write what you believe in really. And I did not pay to this to give me a medal or give me a wealth of money.
That your job is the motivation and the cornerstone of what was produced from this. The reason I'm one of the pictures published by that I could figure out how it works these photos.
Where I was three months ago, I try to make a this type of images.
I see no shame to say Groaner I learned from so and so and so contributed in reaching a particular way.
Confessional, in my view is not wrong and does not detract from me to something as long as you have learned and persevered for this.
Whole life learning and transfer of expertise and tradition. Such is human civilization, and thus structure.
I apologize to you if I have caused you the inconvenience of a particular type.
In the end, I kept learn from any person can get a sense of his works to benefit me and what is offered me what I want it .
Yours Yazeed Jalili.


Gabriella  M. Gabriella  M.   {K:33863} 6/4/2010
My dearest friend Yazeed,
I feel touched and honored by reading your words...
But I ask you with all my heart that NEVER send me such praises... I feel very uncomfortable and I believe that they have no connection with the reality.
In photography (and generally:)) I can not be a teacher for nobody...
I am not considered a real photographer and I taught and I continue to teach of you and of many others which for me really represent masters of this art....

manny thanks and hugs,G.


Leo Régnier  Я£ Leo Régnier  Я£   {K:67696} 6/4/2010
Very nice work!


Fabio Keiner   {K:81109} 6/3/2010


Turi cg Turi cg   {K:27715} 6/3/2010
Un abstracto que como siempre invita a investigarlo!!


Kallol Majumdar Kallol Majumdar   {K:27691} 6/3/2010
EXCELLENT...simply EXCELLENT, Gabi...hugs, k


txules                                . txules  .   {K:62768} 6/3/2010
Me alegra que lo entiendas, querida. Te diré un secreto sólo hago críticas negativas a mis amigos, con los demás no pierdo el tiempo; las críticas positivas sin embargo son para todas las fotos que me gustan aunque más extensas para los amigos
un beso (o dos)


Ania Zielińska-Hoşaf Ania Zielińska-Hoşaf   {K:61374} 6/3/2010
...hopefully not far away

Great work!



Gabriella  M. Gabriella  M.   {K:33863} 6/3/2010
Querido amigo(Creo que puedo nombrarte mi amigo),
gracias por tu opinión y gracias por ser qui eres.
Jamás no me enfadé cuando mis amigos me criticaron... posiblemente fui un poco irritada, sino siempre reflexioné después y he encontrado que muchas veces estaban en lo cierto ...haré lo mismo en este caso.
Yo no estaba contenta yo mismo de esta imagen, tan pronto como la vi descargada y sobre un monitor más grande... sino me había prometido no no eliminar ninguna foto ....los fracasos deben ser asumidos ellos también...
Debes ser convencido de solo cosa que, posiblemente que hice bastantes comentarios de complacencia, pero JAMÁS por ti o por algunas otras personas que tú conoces bien..

mil besos, G


luis pereira luis pereira   {K:26013} 6/3/2010
I know what I think it is and that's what matters, isn't?


Robert Gaither Robert Gaither   {K:34128} 6/3/2010
Very nice image. I like it.


Museeb Jasim   {K:183} 6/3/2010
Unusual and beautiful.


M  jalili M  jalili   {K:69009} 6/3/2010
My teacher.
The right of this picture to me I studied and taught me much much more.
So professional and so the high-level production .7+++++
Yours M Y .


txules                                . txules  .   {K:62768} 6/3/2010
tu sabes que me encanta tu fotografía luego no soy sospechoso de emitir opiniones negativas sin fundamento; una de las coas que más odio de este foro es la falta de personalidad, la falta de sinceridad; es increíble que casi nadie haga críticas negativas, aunque fundamentadas, de las fotografías: ¿si nunca haces un comentario negativo que valor tienen los positivos?
en fin, esta es una mala foto. eso es todo, la línea que hay entre el verdadero arte y el arte pretencioso (arty-farty) es muy delgada y yo la he cruzado con mucha frecuencia, por eso se de lo que hablo
Querida Gabriella, muchos comentarios y un rating de 7 pueden no significar nada; tu eres demasiado buena para para mostrar unas simples manchas llenas de artefactos
No me gustaría que me mal interpretaras, te puedo repetir el comentario en Inglés
muchos besos y cuídate


Tony Smallman   {K:23858} 6/3/2010
Interesting Carbon- sketch style.
Best Wishes, Tony


Gabriella  M. Gabriella  M.   {K:33863} 6/3/2010
always,my gratitude....
hugs, G.


Gabriella  M. Gabriella  M.   {K:33863} 6/3/2010
thank you, Nanda,my friend:)
hugs, G.


Gabriella  M. Gabriella  M.   {K:33863} 6/3/2010
thank you, dear K.:)
hugs, G.


Gabriella  M. Gabriella  M.   {K:33863} 6/3/2010
thank you, Panyakit:)
hugs, G.


Gabriella  M. Gabriella  M.   {K:33863} 6/3/2010
thank you, Radovan:)
hugs, G.


Gabriella  M. Gabriella  M.   {K:33863} 6/3/2010
Uno mil gracias, querida amiga...
besos, G.


Gabriella  M. Gabriella  M.   {K:33863} 6/3/2010
tantissime grazie
Con affetto...:)


Radovan Magdalenic Radovan Magdalenic   {K:32881} 6/3/2010
Very impresive Gabriella.Hugs


Panyakit Chaovamu   {K:4051} 6/3/2010
Interested abstract pic..


Malules Fernandez Malules Fernandez   {K:54810} 6/3/2010


Pablo Dylan Pablo Dylan   {K:63918} 6/3/2010
Come una visione,come un incubo,grande introspezione nella tua fotografia.


arian berisha arian berisha   {K:13697} 6/3/2010
Fantastic dear Gabi,,,10,,,


K r i s h n e n d u  - The NoOne K r i s h n e n d u  - The NoOne   {K:12059} 6/3/2010
nice one :)


Nanda Baba das Nanda Baba das   {K:78053} 6/3/2010
Wonderful abstract capture dear Gabi.




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