Khaled Mursi Hammoud
{K:54005} 9/22/2011
Very good photo, may be a little more of the blurred wall can be added on the left side yet still a great capture 7/7 Khaled
Bernie Sahadi
{K:411} 9/22/2011
Herwig, your taking photos of my favorite model of 'yours' again. Would you please continue? I am fully enjoying. The black and white photography is superb. The contrast in monotone color is perfect. I am learning from your work.
Babai Dwibedi
{K:653} 7/12/2011
Beautiful shot Beautiful eyes beautiful photography:)
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 7/4/2011
Gorgeous shot, my friend.
Miguel Rosillo
{K:273} 7/2/2011
Woww!! Excellent portrait, good job with DOF
Almax McCoy
{K:6837} 7/2/2011
Herwig, Beautiful subject, great eyes and expression, nice b/w tone and fantastic use of DOF--excellent
Thanx, Almax
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 7/2/2011
Excellent portrait. My best wishes, Nanda
Tony Hunter
{K:4647} 7/2/2011
excellent portrait regards