Mary Brown
{K:71879} 2/16/2014
I really like what you have done with this. The flow is lovely. It is a beautiful image.
Sylvia H.
{K:22195} 2/14/2014
simply wonderful
Brane Vidan
{K:103} 2/13/2014
Beautiful,soft and very calming image with tasetful manipulation.
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 2/13/2014
Adam Orzechowski
{K:2994} 2/13/2014
Thanks & regards dear friends Wolf:)
Adam Orzechowski
{K:2994} 2/13/2014
Thank you so much SALVADOR ,Regards:)
Adam Orzechowski
{K:2994} 2/13/2014
Thank you Anusuya:)
Anusuya Bairagi
{K:6719} 2/13/2014
beautiful!!! regards, anusuya.
Adam Orzechowski
{K:2994} 2/13/2014
Thanks ANDRZEJ and Regards:)
Andrzej Pradzynski
{K:22541} 2/13/2014
clever use of filters, beautiful picture indeed
Salvador Marķa Lozada
{K:69375} 2/13/2014
Extremely interesting flower, Adam; and splendid image. Congratulations, All the best,
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 2/13/2014
It is like an impressionist painting :)
Adam Orzechowski
{K:2994} 2/13/2014
Thank you so much my dear friend Ray.All the best:)
Adam Orzechowski
{K:2994} 2/13/2014
Thanks Fabrice and Regards:)
stingRay pt.4 .
{K:250401} 2/13/2014
A wonderful dreamy floral study Adam beautifully presented with it's soft delicate pastel tones and great detailing. Well done my friend, an excellent example of photoart. Best wishes to you.
{K:61359} 2/13/2014
What a delicacy in this shot..I love the curves of the petals on this black background. Nicely composed Adam.