mike cable
{K:-4301} 5/20/2014
Hello Olga, I'm not a fan of using flash. You have a couple options. The first is putting a dark cloth or background behind your flowers. You may need to under expose by a stop or two and meter the flower petals only, don't include the black background or your camera will try and make the entire scene lighter. The second option is to shoot the flowers against a background that is one solid color and not the same color as the flowers (lighter or darker). Afterwards go into adobe elements or photoshop and click on the magic wand and select the background only. After that go to the layer icon and click it, then click the new adjustment layer, and click darker color. From there you can make the background black or much darker. I'm not a big photoshop person and there may be easier ways to do it, but that way works for me. Hope this helps Olga. Sincerely, Mike C.
Olga Vareli
{K:22477} 5/20/2014
A question for advice:To make the background blacl, do you use flash?And if yes, can you please tell me the settings?I would really appreciate this!
Jan Iwo
{K:225} 5/20/2014
Excellent color, detail and DOF. A lovely floral shot. 7+++. Congratulations. Regards. Jan.
Clay Boutin
{K:28722} 5/17/2014
Very nice color and detail in this shot Mike. Great job.
Roswitha J Briffa
{K:245} 5/17/2014
Three friends :-). I love it!
mike cable
{K:-4301} 5/17/2014
Thanks Roby, very nice of you to give me such a high rating and thanks for the kind words too! Be well, Mike.
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 5/17/2014
geat timing and idea mike... is so really nice composed, my friend, also the little drop on the high part of last bellsong... i like it!!! 7+++++ best wishes roby