Christian Barrette
{K:21125} 7/4/2003
Okay, I see that the original had its highlights quite strong to begin with. With my 5700 - I had a 4500 for a few months before that had the same behaviour - I'd say I work almost all the time with a -.7 to a - 1.3 compensation to avoid blown out highlights. I think you did the original a really good lift up then.
John Charlton
{K:5595} 7/3/2003
Christian; I always welcome and enjoy your comments. Here is the original file so you can compare what I started with.
Christian Barrette
{K:21125} 7/3/2003
The scenery is pleasing and the image too, but I feel the post-processing has strengthen the contrast to the point of loosing the mist in the air, an element that I would have found most attractive. But that's a personnal statement, if you allow me to share it.
John Chiu
{K:6250} 6/30/2003
Hopefully, I'll visit there soon. Happy Canada Day. john
T Glow
{K:14955} 6/28/2003
nice effect... excellent work.
Judy Kessler
{K:6316} 6/28/2003
wonderful view and a pleasant place. well done.
John Chiu
{K:6250} 6/28/2003
Wonderful atmosphere. Great shot.
Keith Naylor
{K:13064} 6/28/2003
Hi John, I have family out near Toronto, a great country Canada ! Anyway back to the pic ... I like th composition, and to tell you the truth I thing the PSP work adds to the atmosphere for me. I know there will be poeple who don't like it, but hey thats fine. I might hae brightened the white line just a tad in order to lead the eye in a little more forcefully. Good work. Keith
Romulo Lubachesky
{K:11836} 6/28/2003
Great work