Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 2/20/2007
Fantastic portfolio, Andrew, and very creative :) Ina
Jay Gumm
{K:3084} 7/8/2003
Mr Rogers, what an interesting neighborhood!
GP Merfeld
{K:14396} 7/2/2003
Ah! This one jumped out as a thumbnail, and even more when enlarged. Your keen, keen eye has discovered another remarkable cityscape abstract, and you have rendered it perfectly. Kudos to da max on this one. Fantastic.
Harlan Heald
{K:15732} 7/1/2003
Lovely capture! I read Ferlinghetti's book store into this. Perhaps a Chaplin film. Excellent!!!
Dave M
{K:9043} 7/1/2003
Wonderfully seen and executed, Andy.
Rui Palha
{K:13624} 7/1/2003
Very well seen, as always.
lowell whipple girbes
{K:13151} 7/1/2003
me like it a lot !!!
Robert Patrick
{K:8337} 7/1/2003
A strange and evocative image whose lack of any specific meaning stimulates the meaning-hungry mind to riffle through multiple plausible interpretations.