Rawabi Al-Nuaimi
{K:15659} 8/30/2003
Am amazed that I didn't notice your picture before!! it's GREAT! very beautiful and with great angle.. i love the cropping.. makes it unique.. :)
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 8/20/2003
great composition.marvelous tones.
John Barclay
{K:3650} 8/3/2003
John C., Mary Sue, and Derek. You are all awesome! I am so grateful for your thoughtful feedback! It is just what I needed! I'm glad you feel comfortable in picking out the bad as that is truly what I'm interested in... Thank you!
Mary Sue Hayward
{K:17558} 8/3/2003
You asked for feedback on this image since it does not work for you. I like aspects of it very much: I love the strong vertical format. I also enjoy how the clouds seem to march forward in the frame, repeating the way the sunflowers are aligned with each other. The strong centered horizon does not bother me, since the mirrored aspect of these elements is so predominant.
I am bothered a bit by what looks like high contrast in the flowers: I am not sure if you used extra sharpening or if you boosted the contrast, or if that is a characteristic of the film and that camera/lens. Or maybe it is my monitor. At any rate, it looks over contrasty and a bit oversharpened to me.
HOWEVER, I probably would not have picked on these nits if you had not asked for specific feedback...there are so many very strong elements that I would not have isolated these issues.
Again, I stand in awe of your creative work.
John Charlton
{K:5595} 8/2/2003
Before I read your caption I said to myself... "This works for me."
In fact, I like it best of all your sunflowers and you have several really good ones... been having fun eh? Good for you...
What I like about this shot besides the unusual vertical format which is like a really tight crop... is the way you show us everything... nothing is left out... and yet it remains uncluttered... there is only one sunflower to really look at... and only one leaf to really look at and then there is the context on which these simple elements rest... but not in the usual way... not like a book that lies on a shelf... in this photo.. the main subject rests upon the sun filled sky and its neighbour plants... this is where the sunflower's strength comes from... and this is where the strength of this image comes from as well.
Your hesitation may come from the placement of the horizon which is approaching middle ground, yet it does not cut the image directly in half so no harm done. I really like the image and would be proud to have taken it myself.
Derek Kennedy
{K:2270} 8/2/2003
John - I kinda like this photo with the way you camptured it as a 'portait' instead of the normal usual 'landscape'. It goes against the norm, and that appeals to me. I also just like the XPAN format. Only real things that bother me, is that the horizon line is too centered, and maybe the use of a circular polarizor (can you use one on that camera?) to bring out the greens and reduce/eliminate the glare from the leaves.Personally, I just find this very interesting. Not your 'normal' photo - goes against the rules. Sometimes, we have to do that.
Marcio Cabral
{K:12496} 7/31/2003
Very nice colors and pic John! regards!!
John Barclay
{K:3650} 7/31/2003
Thanks for the feedback Karen. I'm with ya, I can't put my finger on it too..
Alan Sislen
{K:649} 7/31/2003
Great use of vertical panorama!
Alberto Agnoletti
{K:12811} 7/31/2003
Very nice shot!! Great colors and detail. Bye, Alberto
Günter Koth
{K:13841} 7/31/2003
Nice shot. Great presentation. I like this extremly format. Regards, Günter.
Karen Siebert
{K:12076} 7/31/2003
Well John, I am not too crazy about this one. I am not sure why, I believe it is because the direction the front sunflower is in looks somewhat out of place in conjunction with the others. Love the sky and the picture itself is technical very good but I am not sure about the layout. Not as strong as the others in this series IMO and unfortunately I cannot give any clear concise advice on how to improve it, but it may be just me because others have really liked it.
Abeer Al Jarsh
{K:10209} 7/31/2003
amazing shot the colors are superb the sky is nice well done
{K:16195} 7/31/2003
AN excellent work once again..I like your series all photoes are perfect. Regards, Hayri.
Igor L.
{K:7432} 7/31/2003
Nice angle. Good picture.
Mário Sousa
{K:16985} 7/31/2003