Marcus Claйsson
{K:2179} 12/13/2004
Wow, excellent. I like you surreal style!
Rodrigo Hernбndez Salgado
{K:-229} 8/31/2004
Before looking at his photograph while I was going through yor portfolio I thought that you like Lewis Carrol. I wonder why...
Mary Vareli
{K:15826} 4/1/2004
I do not understand why I cannot vote... anyway
7 (!)
Alice is an obsession I have....
{K:30945} 1/16/2004
Excellent ;-)
Fernando Ladeira
{K:849} 10/5/2003
bRAVO for all this serie on Alice.
Look @
{K:2127} 6/30/2003
bravissimo ;)
vicky ego
{K:1423} 5/11/2003
I want to be her sister and travel to that land!!
zosia zija
{K:11106} 5/2/2003
Anna Aichinger
{K:4921} 5/2/2003
you're such a genius !!!
Jim Keizer
{K:8} 4/17/2003
Brilliant! I love it.
Marнlia Ferraz
{K:-4756} 3/2/2003
Only today I came to this outstanding picture. Well, I'm new here. But I'm glad I found this beauty. Marilia
Andy Ly
{K:716} 3/1/2003
Great work!!! Bravo!!!
{K:2647} 11/25/2002
As my rating said... excelent! :-)
Marc Gougenheim
{K:5398} 11/22/2002
This is just sooooooooooooooo beautiful...
{K:30} 10/26/2002
John Myers
{K:4308} 8/23/2002
perfect. fits a carroll theme very very well.
Toni Martin
{K:5092} 7/15/2002
Wow about raps it up!
Andrew Polushkin
{K:311} 7/12/2002
William, пwиятно, ?то вы говоwите по-wусски. Спасибо за пwедложение. Обязательно с вами свяжусь.
William R Eastman III
{K:2141} 7/12/2002
Я нахожу Ваше искусство исклy?ительным.
В будуyщем хотел бы вести с Вами бизнес. Если Вы нуждаетесь в ком-то пwедставлять и wекламиwовать Вас в Соединенных Штатах, пожалуйста свяжитесь со мной. bill@eastmanphotography.com
Желаy успеха. Пеwед Вами большое будущее.
William R. Eastman III
Andrew Polushkin
{K:311} 7/12/2002
In life there is much.I can fall. Will hit a head. To begin the idiot. :)
al shaikh
{K:15790} 7/12/2002
I don't think you could andrew :)
Andrew Polushkin
{K:311} 7/10/2002
Thank, Altaf. I shall try to not disappoint you.
al shaikh
{K:15790} 7/10/2002
Andrew I really love all your work.
Andrew Polushkin
{K:311} 7/10/2002
It exists, because it is pleasant to you! Thank for attention.
Andy Jones
{K:536} 7/10/2002
wow! Outstanding. Incredible.
Barry Tipping
{K:959} 7/9/2002
Very imaginative Andrew. I love the tonality of your work!