Thanks Kim. As usual, your thoughts are useful. With this composition, I was trying to give a sense for the chaos of green with little spots of color in the out of focus background, while always drawing the eye back to the colorful complicated shapes of the flowers in the right of the frame. Upon reflection, I get the same feeling of unease with so much of the frame in background. There's simply no place on the left half for the eye to rest. Perhaps a square crop would help. Anyway, thanks for your comments and ideas.
Oh, it IS in Monet's garden, just outside of Giverny in northern France. I'll probably post some more shots from that wonderful location.
I like the bright colours of the flowers on the right, but the framing is throwing me off... there is so much dead space to the left of flowers that it feels very unbalanced. As well, your title suggests to me that you were going for a Monet look (either that, or you really were in Monet's garden, taking pictures! *grin*) and when I think on Monet's paintings, they are very abstract and flowing. But I don't want to judge your image by the title you chose. I like the DOF that you've got going, I just feel there is too much bg.