cem cetin
{K:109} 12/25/2003
mesajınız için teyekkürler, kendi çapımızda çalıymalara devam etmek istiyoruz....
{K:30945} 11/27/2003
wow.. this is geougeous. splendid work here. bravo.
{K:16195} 11/20/2003
Cok guzel bir calisma sevgili Safak. Tebrikler ve bol fotografli gunler. Hayri.
{K:4149} 11/20/2003
Excelent frame. Good composition. Regards.
erhan verit
{K:100} 11/18/2003
exellent shot.good photo
Hugo Pierre
{K:15692} 11/17/2003
Dramatic mood, very well composed and done. Congratulations!
Raymund Macaalay
{K:7218} 11/16/2003
Simply stunning and wonderful, Excellent Job
Tomo Radovanovic
{K:12788} 11/16/2003
excellent composition best regards
Alexey Sapa
{K:27174} 11/16/2003
Wonderful picture! I like the sky and clouds! Such expressive picture! Regards, ALexey
David Orea
{K:5292} 11/16/2003
Superb composition, Safak. Very nice colors. A winner. Regards.
Peter Aczel
{K:1852} 11/16/2003
Interesting PS but it works. Stunning composition, Safak. regards Peter A.
mario mario c
{K:5347} 11/16/2003
Great composition"
Lorinda Millar
{K:2580} 11/16/2003
A really unusual sky treatment, but I like it! Great composition too. Lorinda
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 11/16/2003
Dramatic shot, Safak! Well done! Regards, Chris