{K:366} 7/1/2004
great capture!the way they look and their pose , their heads are like 2 points on the same line!
Antonio Correia
{K:164} 12/15/2003
Esta situação foi puramente acidental. Estivemos dentro de um carro cerca de 2 horas a observar leões. Os pais partiram paa uma breve caçada e estes dois apareceram próximo do carro. Abri o vidro, bati com as unhas dos dedos no carro o que lhes chamou a atenção.
Paulo Teixeira
{K:1004} 12/15/2003
Dá para perceber que os pequenitos estão com medo, o que está em 1? plano pareçe prestes a fugir. Apetece ir lá acariciá-los. Gostei muito ! 9/10 pontos !
Anouschka Rokebrand
{K:6470} 11/20/2003
This is cute! Wonderful capture, well done!
Gabriella Carta
{K:22879} 11/19/2003
lovely shot, good!
Elena Zabelina
{K:23212} 11/19/2003
Cute puppy! Very good photo.
Joshua Rainey
{K:5069} 11/19/2003
This picture makes me want to run up to those lions with a ball of yarn and play with them until the mama lion comes to rip me to pieces. Good job of portraying these lions in a cute and innocent way rather than the usual fierce and ruthless way. I wish the lighting was a little more dramatic, but sometimes you have to take what the conditions will give you and make up for lighting with incredible content...