Maya Bylina
{K:5925} 4/18/2004
Great perspective and details, regards! Ochen' Krasivo! S tochki zrenija mesta & samoi fotografii. moi e-mail galenda@mosk.ru Kiss Maya
{K:5655} 1/28/2004
Nicely done. A good city shot of a place that isn't often shown in photography. Well done!
Andrius Maciunas
{K:2047} 1/21/2004
Very good shot! Excelent composition (or here we look to croped part of image?) and great sky colors.
Alex Teller
{K:8286} 12/27/2003
Excelent photograph, shows superb skill and talent. You are a master in many areas, all areas. I admire greatly your art. Alex
Gaetan Chevalier
{K:4188} 12/26/2003
Excellent work, seasons Greetings to you!
Alberto Agnoletti
{K:12811} 12/22/2003
Very nice composition! Beautiful colours! Happy Christmas to you! Best regars, Alberto
donato r.
{K:16361} 12/20/2003
splendida immagine ottimamente composta....ricca di ottimi toni! ciao donato
Robert Gaither
{K:34128} 12/20/2003
Yes I like to go there someday and photograph. Excellent composition and image.
Amna Al Shamsi
{K:21795} 12/20/2003
beautiful capture....I think he learnt this from his mother ;)
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 12/20/2003
Stunning beauty on this wonderful cityscape, well done.
John Hatziemmanouil
{K:40580} 12/20/2003
Good one Lena. The exposure looks pretty nice. Little bit noise sky...isn't it? Be careful with the use of darkness in photos. Many times the hot spots, the noise and grainy effects not so nice on these shots. Try in dark places big resolution (on pixeled cameras more than 1600X1200) or big big aperture if your camera does not have noise fixion tool. Anyway all these... I am sure not for Nikkon N70. On this just try with big aperture and small ISO.
jon parsons
{K:13639} 12/19/2003
Lena, tell your son he did a beautiful job taking this picture! wonderful....jon
Alexey Sapa
{K:27174} 12/19/2003
Hi, Lena! Ogromnoe spasibo za pozdravlenie! Esli chestno, ne ozhidal! Lena, spasibo za predydushee pismo, esli v dvuh slovah, ty konechno prava!!! Obidno za Sashu, tochnee i za vseh nas, komu ne udastsia nasladitsia ego talantom muzykanta, nadejus` i verju chto chto-nubud' vernet ego k MUZYKE!!! WISH to him! O sebe, mne povezlo, skol'ko sebia pomnju vo mne vsegda byli dve liniii i v obeih realizavyvalsia na moy vzgliad uspeshno: universitet, aspirantura v MGU, pervye mesta v respublike i Sojuze, Vsesojuznye s'ezdy, no eto vseo ne v programmirovanii(ono v to vremia dlia menia bylo tozhe hobby) eto vse v oblasti teoreticheskoy mehaniki; vtoraia irratsionalnaja linia: dramaticheskaya studia na Central'nom televidenii Kazakhstana(6-15 let), fotografia(s 10 let), narodnyy dramaticheskiy teatr( 18-25 let) i mnogo drugogo bolee melkogo. S rozhdeniem Lesi i izvestnymi prichinami ob'ectivnymi i subjectivnymi( v tom chisle i materialnymi) s professiey i chast'ju hobby prishlos' rasstat'sia. Pravda foto ostalos', u Lesi bol'she tysiachi detskih fotografiy, bol'shenstvo iz kotoryh prosto shelchok, konechno, no est', i eto chisto statisticheski dolzhno byt' tak, ochen' dazhe nichego! Tak chto kratko vsio, ne tak ploho! Risovat' seriozno ne proboval... Mne ochen' pomogaet tvoja podderzhka, ot slov deystvitel'no veet teplotoy i eto pri tom chto uveren u vas tam vsio oh kak ne prosto! Porazitel'naya dushevnaya shedrost', eto vsegda bylo redkost'ju, no seychas eto prosto unical'no! SPASIBO tebe Lena! ( i ne obrashaysia ko mne na Vy, pogaluysta). Uveren, VSIO BUDET horosho i u Sashi s muzykoy tozhe vsio slozhitsia!!! VSEGO vam SAMOGO-SAMOGO!!!! Alesha
Mike Ombrello
{K:4878} 12/19/2003
Lena, what a great image of the city. The sky appears to have cooperated with the image. Regards, Mike
Tomo Radovanovic
{K:12788} 12/19/2003
beautiful cityscape
José Eduardo Cruz
{K:13180} 12/18/2003
Beautifull cityscape image!!!
Alexey Sapa
{K:27174} 12/18/2003
Hi, Lena! Blestjashiy snimok! Wonderfully composed and done! My congratulation to Sasha too! My best wishes! Alesha. Spasibo za takie dorbye slova, brjad li I ih zasluzhivaju(bez koketstva)!
Ana Vianna
{K:15270} 12/18/2003
Very nice scene captured! Very good perspective! Congratulations to you and to your son!:-)))
Jorge Vasconcelos
{K:33746} 12/18/2003
Very nice cityscape Regards jorge
Chuck Freeman
{K:13616} 12/18/2003
wonderful Photo with great Camera.
sandy c. hopkins
{K:17107} 12/18/2003
breathtaking scenic view
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 12/18/2003
woow nice view but is your journey?? fantastic roby
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 12/18/2003
awesome image.
Augusto Buffa (Ali)
{K:10454} 12/18/2003
Un'immagine molto profonda. Buono l'equilibrio cromatico e ottimi i toni. Complimenti
xy x
{K:41915} 12/18/2003
wonderful perspective and panorama photo, excellent work from your sun, all compliment to him, best regards
Eduardo Bernardes
{K:8999} 12/18/2003
Very beautiful city and excellent atmosphere of a sunset. Great work! Congrats, Eduardo
luisa vassallo
{K:28230} 12/18/2003
Complimenti a te e a Sasha! Ottima foto