Sorin Timis
{K:885} 9/28/2009
quite a place Grand Place
Robert Lloyd
{K:9943} 2/23/2005
wow great building fansastic well done
Johnny K
{K:12635} 2/9/2004
Very good view !!
Matej Maceas
{K:24381} 2/2/2004
I can imagine the building details must look nice. The group of people in the middle ground add to the photo by enhancing the tourist-destination atmosphere. The lone figure in the foreground, however, distracts. The man occupies a relatively prominent position in the photo, so from the thumbnail I initially thought he is the main subject. The fact that he's so dark draws the eye all the more. I think the best course of action would have been to wait until he walks further away into the distance. One last nitpick would be the wire at the top, I think if you had taken a few steps forward you could have avoided it.
Paul's Photos
{K:35235} 1/31/2004
nice photo.. the white/overcast sky makes it harder to take the photo. Yes.. can't miss this building in brussels, excellent architecture
Malgorzata Golab
{K:58} 1/31/2004
everyone who was in Brussel ..have that building on the paper:)Me too ....:) ( ni the night too)