'Face' is the image of a man whose face is terribly disfigured by warts (decimated would be a more appropriate word.)who goes about like all of us with his daily tasks as best as he can, and yet due to the nature of his condition (I will not say disability as he is not just different.)He comes across many walls which have to be overcome 1 by 1 to accomplish his tasks. I work with people with different physical/psychological patterns to what society defines as the norms and have been doing this since I was 17 years old (22yrs ago)I have met people with many, many types of conditions yet those with facial disfigurements have to me have a real hard time for the simple reason that the 'normies' are offended/repulsed by how they look. Society depicts how we look, who we are, and what we should do, failure to fit or comply with the rules results in out-casting or worse still, ?negative stereotyping?. I do not judge by wealth, looks or academic excellence but by the spirit/soul of my fellow man and to some, (maybe even quite a few) I would be considered an outcast for this principle alone. Ugliness is not to be found in the appearance of man, no! That is ?social selection through conditioning? real ugliness is to be found in the actions of man, (Murder, Rape, Torture etc, etc.) If this image upsets anyone I suggest that you ask yourself why.
The image is so-so I know but as with most of my street work I try to go for personality first.
I repect a lot what you are trying to show us all thru your image and words... And eaven without the words, for me, at least, it says enough... The strugle for living, and enyoing every moment of it, can be a really powerful inspiration for everyone else who thinks its having a hard time, but doesn?t have to carry a permanent burden for the rest of its life. For me this image is about loving life, standing up against our limitations, accept them and doing the best we can to live as fully as we can... Thanks for such an inspirational image....
My heart is breaking when I see people with disabilities.... I can't do much about it, feel sorry for them, trying to not look at them, I'm closing my eyes latter and trying to forget. Why? Because I feel weak at moment like this. Weak in front of Nature, God, and Wisdom. I am affraid to think about things like this, because I don't know, and knowledge is sometimes worse... Hugh, you are kind person with fabulous soul. I think most of people who will see image like this and read your comment will learn IMPORTANT things about life, will be better. Thank you!
Hugh, it's amazing photo... I didn't understand all things what you are talking about here, becouse my English. But I think you are wonderful man, very kind and generous... Your work and your philosophy to command deep respect to me. It's uncommonly then in our world there is a people like you... Yours sincerely, Lena
Though my flesh be condemned and consumed by earthly desires My spirit roams freely Gaining validity from truth and often through love I relish these timeless wonderings
On occasion I meet the soul of another And if on a quest similar to my own We may pause to take notice of each other?s dreams And for that moment I am everything but alone
To feel without touching or to be caressed from afar Affords the animus of my very being To become a beacon unto all the stars
And from this place in time until forever I should never want for more
society can be a real bastard, but you know it is us who make it buy into it and so on.. i can appreciate the depth of your words, it is hard living if you are not beautiful.
especially if you let it effect you..but really how can it not? i usually see this from a woman's side...but you have made me open my eyes a bit more once again. sometimes i forget.
well your friend says that is the ugly thing and the pretty thing, I believe that after reading your writing this picture it is beautiful, many of us don't have face but we show art we are artists, it doesn't care in that measured, but we are artists and liberate one of those but the man's valuable wealth, the freedom, your with this image samples the freedom the equality. this it is the precept that we should repeat until our death, the freedom and the alone equality the truth he/she makes us free and this is the true. a wart but or less everything is relative to..... I like that faces, the pretty thing and the ugly thing will always be as the bad thing and the good thing...... my English poor person excuses.