I was fascinated at the elderly man, running his lonely race against himself, and all the busy-ness of the typical Japanese background through which he was running. Nothing special, photographically, but it caught my eye, so I share it.
The red jacket really grabs the eye. I like that he is right on the sahdow of the sign. I agree with Alan that a tighter crop may work better. I think I would crop off the area to the right beyond the tree. Just a thought.
I read your comment on Antonella's Little falls picture and see you are looking at USM. One of the best plug-ins that I use is Fred Miranda's Intellisharpen. It costs less than $20 US and works from within Photoshop. The great thing is that it works on 16-bit images and gives the option of tweaking the results.
?of the long-distance runner! Nice candid, Roger! Thanks for your perceptive comment on my Montacute House shot ~ please see my reply on that page. Kind regards, Chris
The colours various in this image strike me in particular. A good exposure. I wonder if your theme would have been accentuated though, had you cropped a little after the tree or halfway vertically through the tree, or even at the right side of the tree. Taking other persons out of the image wold have definitely given the subject man the aura of being lonely. Having more space in front than behind is good too, rather than he occupying the center horizontally