Stig Findholm
{K:226} 6/19/2004
Beautiful scene with great colors. The pelican really adds to the composition. Welldone.....Stig
Jim Christensen
{K:18843} 6/15/2004
Wonderful image. the bird in the forground adds appeal. this is great work !
Glenn Edmiston
{K:7366} 6/15/2004
Hi Gloria you will have a blast up there . In the fall is the best time for beautiful colors . I don't think I will get much time to shoot this trip as it's a quickie for sure for my dau's getting married and we are only going for 2 weeks . so not much time as I got 6 kids there and that will about squash any extera time for a photo shoot . Maybe in the fall we will go again . Thanks for the nice words on my sunset photos Cheers for now Glenn.
Gloria Fusco
{K:7054} 6/15/2004
Thank you for your kind comment Glenn. Have a safe trip and come back with some nice northern shots!! I am going up to the St. Lawrence River in July...and hope to see the area with a new eye..hoping for a good photo opportunity....Gloria
Glenn Edmiston
{K:7366} 6/15/2004
Great photo here Gloria . Nice clouds and action with the boat going by and the Pelican in the fore ground adds depth . The color is super . Well Done Glenn Thanks for the comments on my sunset photo. Catch you later we are heading for Ontario for 2 weeks
Jeff Cartwright
{K:52046} 6/15/2004
Hi!..Again, Gloria: Superb Cloudy Sky!..Scenic View! With Speed Boat Well Placed on Two Thirds inof the Picture....!!! Jeff.
Thank you Gloria , For Both of Your Comments!...Jeff.
Gino Quattrocchi
{K:39580} 6/14/2004
bella immagine Gloria brava 7 gino
Roger Cotgreave
{K:15892} 6/14/2004
very nice gloria
Gloria Fusco
{K:7054} 6/14/2004
Bartock..I at first thought you ment I should crop out the pelican until you explained in the second comment. I do like how the pelicans head slices the wake of the boat..the white of his head and white of the wake is a great effect. But for some reason, and I am not sure it is correct but the bird and scene seem out of proportion to each other. I have no knowledge of how you moved the bird...I am now just learning cropping and resizing..that is the extent of my knowledge when it comes to editing.I also like how you cropped the clouds a bit. I originally planned to upload the photo without the pelican, but then seeing as I was working a series of photos and telling a short story...I made the decision to leave the bird in. I do like this cropped version the best tho. Your rendition has fascinated me..and there is a lot that I like about it. I have no problem with lessons like this...thank you.
Tim Schumm
{K:29196} 6/14/2004
I have a slightly different version to show what I mean here. I found that the space between the top of the birds head and the wake of the boat a divider and didn't allow for a complete photo as a whole. So I took that part out and made the head intersect the wake to create distance and a joining of the two elements. I also cropped a little of the clouds so they will be still powerful but more in a supportive way then in competition to the others items in you image. You may or may not like what I have done with your image and vision. this is only to display my reasoning for what I had said in the previous message. Hope it will help in some way. Cheers, Bartock
 modified image |
Gloria Fusco
{K:7054} 6/13/2004
Bartock...thank you for your comment and please feel free to comment from your heart...as that is the only way I will learn to be successful and versitile. When I am out taking photos...as I look at my surroundings, I have visions of the fine work I see here in usefilm...the comments I have read and or received...and what my eye and heart tell me...it becomes more exhiliarating with each photo I take. Thank you again...I value your opinion....Gloria
Tim Schumm
{K:29196} 6/13/2004
Hi Gloria, This has 3 elements in it that are all interesting but the way this photo is composed they have equal interest to my eye. So to me it is losing the potential power that it could command. I often ask myself what is this image about and then try to diminish anything else in the image that competes with it. Or try to get every thing to be supportive of what you want the focus to be. I hope this isn't out of line in mentioning it. I see you have a good eye and that you are developing fast
Teunis Haveman
{K:53426} 6/13/2004
Gloria, beautiful clouds great shot from pelikan Teunis
Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 6/13/2004
Wonderful photo Gloria
Pam Heisler
{K:4032} 6/13/2004
Gorgeous colors , good shot....
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 6/13/2004
wonderful.. nice landcssape and color! ciao roby 7