{K:8499} 9/7/2004
Stunning image. Beautiful tonal range and use of shadows - love her pose and that little expression on her face.
Pascal Renoux
{K:4077} 7/22/2004
good !!!
emily savva
{K:21113} 7/19/2004
a very well framed and toned image... you can actually touch the innocence it depicts.... really nice work....
Trish McCoy
{K:15897} 7/18/2004
gorgeous tones here. love the look. nice work.
j w
{K:12641} 7/17/2004
I like the way you've framed this, with the chair and space behind her. The whole composition is lovely shapes making up the frame.
And the light, of course, is perfect.
Fabrizio Mandara
{K:488} 7/17/2004
wonderful image!
Pat Fruen
{K:12076} 7/17/2004
Tender, sweet.
Witold Spiess
{K:2874} 7/16/2004
bylem ostatnio u znajomych w Jablonnej na kolacji, mlodzi ludzie , korzy maja dom niewykonczony wewnatrz i tam musza mieszkac. Siedzac przy stole odnalazlem swietna atmosfere pomimo niepomalowanych scian i braku drzwi do lazienki. To ludzie tworza swiat nie przedmioty. musze fotografowac wiecej ludzi wokol jak ty, pozdr.w
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{K:6081} 7/16/2004
Very good work,but i want to see your great work.