boubekeur boukerma
{K:2623} 12/29/2004
Each time I am looking to this picture It's a magic moment : a slice of eternity...
ted parker
{K:11} 8/11/2004
It's a paintor's act. First photo I rate 7+++++++
Can't get my eyes from my screen...
Tony Diana
{K:13396} 8/9/2004
Otra estupenda foto. Le invito a que mire mi trabajo UD
Payman Shazemi
{K:3} 8/9/2004
Simply superb. I LOVE IT. IT REMINDS ME MY GRANDFATHER. You should call it Past present and future. Congratulation, I will print it and put it in a frame. 8++
Antonio Trincone
{K:23167} 8/9/2004
Yes, you are right; obviosly in different conditions it would be a different shot! My consideration was linked to the project and the contrast of modern style chairs with old mood due to the excellent bw you achieved in your shot
boubekeur boukerma
{K:2623} 8/9/2004
Dear Antonio,
Thanks for your interest. if the chair was old and brown it would have changed completely the compo of this shot. The white colour balanced the grey tones and answer to the walker's dark back. Besides it attracts your eyes before giving you the keys of the diagonale.
Hope to see other comments from you.
François De Rosnay
{K:100} 8/9/2004
Salut l'artiste !!!
Paul's Photos
{K:35235} 8/9/2004
excellent.. love the composition and mood.. good work
Rebecca Raybon
{K:26654} 8/9/2004
Wonderful composition and tones. Very, very good.
Rui Palha
{K:13624} 8/8/2004
I have any project for the future, Boubekeur...besides photographing in the streets
boubekeur boukerma
{K:2623} 8/8/2004
Thanks Rui. Checked your portfolio and I would be pleased to know more about your projects in the future.
Antonio Trincone
{K:23167} 8/8/2004
good image; I like it, I wonder just for the modern plastic chair on which the smoker is sitting; if it was an old style chair it could be much better
Rui Palha
{K:13624} 8/8/2004
Excellent tribute....no artifice, only life.