Wayne Harridge
{K:18292} 9/25/2004
This cemetery looks better cared for than most I see.
Very nice image.
Gabrielle Willson
{K:7978} 8/19/2004
Thanks for the feedback - all of you. I like the ability I have to frame now with PS elements but I am not sure I always make the right choice of thickness of frame or colour to set the photo off to its best advantage. Being a woman I can appreciate this enhancement - eyeliner for photos I would say!
Jimmy Payne
{K:21163} 8/18/2004
Cemeteries hold fascinations for many of us. I think it's the feeling of peacefulness that one gets when we enter them. Then there is also the curiosity involved in observing the headstones and monuments and wondering about the lives of the people buried beneath them. This is a good shot and I think a thin black border would have been better.
Regards, Jimmy
George Black
{K:102014} 8/17/2004
I confess to liking cemetery photos as well. I suppose it's because they are quiet and understated, yet packed with mystery and emotion. This one is unusually interesting because of the strong green grass and the almost theatrical spotlight effect on the main stone contrasted to the neutrality of the modest background stones. I would be tempted to try to enhance the almost surreal quality, but I doubt it would be an improvement. --Well done! --George
Rebecca Raybon
{K:26654} 8/17/2004
Very lovely Gabrielle! There's a certain light to this stone, that against the dark, lush greenery is beautiful! I've always found beauty in graveyards, with all their history and even secrets :)
Jim Loy
{K:31373} 8/16/2004
Cemeteries are cool...