Sorry to be a pain... I can see Maria is a beautiful girl but the lighting and the exposure are totally off... A model alone doesn't make a picture. It should be a combination of factors. And the photographer's job is to make sure everything is right on. The exposure on this shot is way over. The greens look yellow, the whole image is over sharpened and the skin looks like it was painted on... I believe all comments should be based on an over all photographic point of view and not on how hot the model is.
Once again, sorry but photographers work really hard to achieve perfect exposures, balanced skin tones and overall quality to their work and your comment seems to be biased by the beauty of the girl.
In my opinion this is just a hot chick and a bad photo.
Hope u don't take it the wrong way, either Patrick or Larry.
Patrick, thanks for the kind words! Yes, Maria is a fantastic model! take care and thanks again, larry
{K:907} 8/22/2004
Larry, I never get bored seeing your photos, even less if they are of Maria. I already have a couple in my favorites. Thanks for brightening up my day! Wonderful exposure and lighting, fantastic model, wonderful photo!